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5 Benefits of Guava Leaf Boiled Water for Health, Prevent Diarrhea to Diabetes

Merdeka.com – Not many know, benefits of boiled water guava leaves useful for health. In general, guava leaves are used as herbal teas and supplements that contain anti-infective and antibacterial properties.

It should be noted that when guava leaves processed into tea will also contain vitamin C and flavonoids such as quercetin which are important for body health. With this content, guava leaves can be used as pain relievers. Therefore, it is important to know the benefits of guava leaf boiled water.

But how to get the benefits of guava leaves can also be boiled. Where the water boiled leaves you can directly consume. Not only can relieve pain, the benefits of boiled water guava leaves can also prevent diarrhea to diabetes.

Here is complete information benefits of boiled water guava leaves has been summarized by Merdeka.com via healthline.com on Wednesday, (05/01/2022).

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1. Prevent Diarrhea

The benefits of guava leaf boiled water for health, the first is to prevent diarrhea so it is good to support digestive health. Studies show that guava leaves can reduce the intensity and duration of diarrhea.

Several studies have also shown that guava leaf extract is antimicrobial. This means it can neutralize harmful microbes in your gut that can cause diarrhea.

2. Improves Heart Health
The benefits of guava leaf boiled water for the next health is that it can improve heart health. Many scientists believe that the high levels of antioxidants and vitamins in guava leaves can help protect the heart from damage by free radicals.

The high levels of potassium and soluble fiber in guava are also thought to contribute to improved heart health. In addition, guava leaf extract was associated with lower blood pressure, decreased bad cholesterol, and increased good cholesterol.

A study conducted on 120 people found that consuming one ripe guava before a meal led to an 8-9 point reduction in overall blood pressure, a 9.9% decrease in total cholesterol, and an 8% increase in good cholesterol.

3. Relieve Menstrual Pain Symptoms
Another benefit of guava leaf boiled water is to relieve symptoms of menstrual pain. As we all know that many women experience dysmenorrhea, which is a symptom of menstrual pain, such as stomach cramps. However, there is some evidence that guava leaf extract can reduce the intensity of menstrual cramps.

A study in 197 women who experienced painful symptoms found that taking 6 mg of guava leaf extract daily resulted in a decrease in pain intensity. Guava leaf extract is also thought to help relieve uterine cramps or stomach cramps.

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4. Prevent Diabetes

The benefits of guava leaf boiled water are also believed to prevent diabetes by inhibiting several enzymes that convert carbohydrates in the digestive tract into glucose, thereby slowing the absorption of sucrose and maltose in the blood.

This is the finding of Yoriko Deguchi and Kouji Miyazaki of the Yakult Central Institute for Microbiological Research published in the journal Nutrition and Metabolism.

5. Reduces Cancer Risk
The benefits of guava leaf boiled water have been shown to have an anticancer effect. Research shows, boiled water guava leaves can prevent and even stop the growth of cancer cells. This is likely due to the high levels of powerful antioxidants that prevent free radicals from damaging cells, one of the main causes of cancer.

Another study found that guava leaf oil was four times more effective at stopping the growth of cancer cells than certain cancer drugs. Although the experimental results are promising, it does not mean that guava leaf extract can help completely treat cancer in humans.

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