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5 Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar: Lose Weight to Heart Health

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA – Apple cider vinegar is one of the common kitchen spices used for cooking. Who would have thought that apple cider vinegar has many benefits for the body, from weight loss to heart health.

Launching from PinkVilla, apple cider vinegar is the result of fermenting sugar in apple juice. The result of this fermentation is then turned into acetic acid or the main ingredient of vinegar. Apple cider vinegar has many nutrients and properties that are beneficial for various health and beauty problems.

Here are 5 benefits of apple cider vinegar for health that you may not know about:

1. Lower blood sugar levels
A study shows that apple cider vinegar can help diabetic patients efficiently but with the results of consulting a doctor first if you are taking medication. It is known to increase insulin sensitivity and function by 19-34 percent.

2. Lose weight
It has been confirmed that apple cider vinegar is often recommended in weight loss because of its effects that increase satiety. In a study it was said that regular consumption of apple cider vinegar can cause feelings of fullness faster when eating. Then it will have the impact of reducing calorie intake.

Even better, apple cider vinegar contains only three calories per tablespoon, so it doesn’t contribute to the fat content.

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