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5 anxiety disorders that are common in working people

Anxiety disorderThat is a mental health problem that is becoming more common today. which is different from general anxiety According to the Department of Mental Health, more than one hundred thousand Thai people suffer from anxiety disorders. This anxiety disorder is more worrying than normal. It’s not just about overthinking. But it is a disease that affects everyday life. This is because the symptoms of this disease often appear both physically and mentally, such as heart palpitations, difficulty breathing, fear, excessive anxiety to the point of insomnia, and lack of concentration, which affects work efficiency. and personal relationships.

If we notice excessive anxiety, it can be assumed that we are prone to anxiety disorders. The cause of this disease is mental disorder. or an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain This can be caused by genetics. It can also be caused by environment, upbringing, or imitation of parental behavior. or close people Experiencing different events that cause anxiety disorders, with many types, and this 5 Anxiety disorderwhich is often found in working age

1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder

There is more anxiety than usual in general matters of daily life such as work, family, health, and studies The patient is still able to suppress the feelings on his own. But if the patient still feels the same anxiety for more than 6 months, able to change to deal with different events, it could cause fatigue, restlessness, lack of concentration, irritability, and Insomnia. or sleep well If you have symptoms like these you should see a doctor to find more treatment options.

2. Panic Disorder

or panic disorder That is, there is worry for no reason, panic, fear that you cannot control yourself, or fear of death When you have a minor illness, you become anxious, such as fear of a serious illness on you, even if you are not really physically ill but mentally ill individual symptomsAnxiety disorderIt can happen from time to time. Causes sweating, palpitations, rapid heartbeat, hot flushes, tightness in the chest, fainting like fainting. This type of condition can cause mental health problems and may lead to other conditions such as depression, drug addiction, etc.

3. Social Phobia

Anxiety of being in a situation where you think you will be watched. Do something embarrassing, you have to hide, feel anxious and often think negatively that others will gossip behind their back causing an impact on daily life It can cause symptoms such as flushing, sweating, nausea, rapid heartbeat, and headache. Looking at the outside, the body is very healthy. and he did not seem to be ill at all The cause of this condition may be due to construction. Lack of social skills or related to brain function, genetics

4. Specific phobia

Anxiety about specific issues Something specific, such as fear of blood, fear of claustrophobia, fear of holes, fear of dogs, etc., even if the fear feels unreasonable. But I can’t stop myself from being scared. Try to avoid the things you fear. Patients often experience physical reactions if they are in a certain position, such as heart palpitations, dizziness, and cold hands and feet. This may cause palpitations, difficulty breathing, and sweating.

3. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Anxiety caused by thinking over and over again causing behavior that responds to repeated events causing feelings of anxiety Although these symptoms are not serious or have a significant impact on daily life But it wears a little of your life with these behaviors. This type of compulsive behavior is often found in people of working age For example, they think they forgot to lock the door of the house and have to go back to find out if it is locked or not. Imagine you forgot to turn off the water faucet and have to go back and check again, etc.

How is anxiety disorder treated?

The 5 diseases mentioned here It can make the person feel uncomfortable, irritated, and cause stress many times If you feel yourself falling into one of these 5 diseases, you will see a psychiatrist to discuss and ask about the symptoms and history of the illness. together with a physical examination To distinguish disease whether the various symptoms that appear are caused by the body or by the mind. If it comes from the mind the doctor will speak. Ready to use tools to assess mental illness. Before planning treatment, what treatmentAnxiety disorderIt depends on the type of disease.

It is now easier to see a psychologist. No need to be shy. or fear of seeing a psychologist Because the meeting is no different from finding a counselor. Find a friend to help you think. The only friend here is a doctor who has treatment principles. We talk and advise by listening. Express sympathy and offer an explanation. Or there are activities to try. It is psychotherapy. Therapy by changing thoughts and behavior (Cognitive Behavior Therapy or CBT) turns to taking care of yourself and giving importance to yourself, such as eating all 5 food groups and exercising consistent Get plenty of rest. include meditation Avoid drinking alcohol. Including some cases, the doctor can treat with medication. To reduce anxiety symptoms, etc.

2024-10-11 09:51:00

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