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5 Animals That Get Called Spiders

Spiders are animals that everyone knows about. These animals have various appearances and sizes. But what is clear is that they are very distinctive with eight legs and a way of walking that can make many people shudder in horror.

Because of its popularity and characteristics, the name spider was eventually used in the names of several types of animals. The reasons are various, either because of the similarity of appearance or other factors. Here are 5 animals that get the name spider in their name.

1. Spider crab

portrait of preserved japanese spider crab (ourmarinespecies.com)

One type of animal that looks quite similar to a spider is a crab. There is even a type of crab called the spider crab, because it has long legs so it looks like a spider. Spider crabs consist of many species, and one of the most famous is the Japanese spider crab (Macrocheira kaempferi).

The Japanese spider crab is the largest arthropod in the world. Reported Britannica, the span of this crab’s legs can reach 4 meters from end to end. There is also a species of spider crab that is much smaller, even reaching only 1.25 cm wide.

2. Spider beetle

5 Animals That Get Called Spiders, Monkeys To Turtlesspider beetle (insect.com)

Another animal that looks very much like a spider is the spider beetle. The spider beetle consists of about 500 species in the family Ptinidae or Anobiidae. Like insects in general, of course this beetle has six legs, not eight. But they have a pair of antennae that look like extra legs so they look like spiders.

In addition, this beetle has a round body and does not have wings so it looks more like a spider. They are small in size, only ranging from 1 to 5 mm. Various species of this beetle can be found all over the world.

3. Spider monkey

5 Animals That Get Called Spiders, Monkeys To Turtlesspider monkey (monkeysanctuary.co.za)

Monkeys are also known as spiders. The spider monkey belongs to the genus Ateles which consists of 7 species, but there are also 3 other species of different genera. All of these monkey species live in South and Central America.

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Spider monkeys are very agile in climbing. They have a prehensile tail that can grip a branch so that it looks like an extra hand. While hanging by its tail, this monkey looks like a spider, hence the name.

Uniquely, spiders are also food for this monkey. They are omnivores that eat a wide variety of plants and small animals. These monkeys are also known to be noisy, especially when threatened. They like to shout to alert their group members of danger.

Also Read: 5 Facts of Camel Spiders, Spider-like Animals with Lots of Rumors

4. Spider fish

5 Animals That Get Called Spiders, Monkeys To Turtlesspider fish (fishesofaustralia.net.au)

There are even fish that are called spiders. Spider fish is a type of fish that inhabits the deep sea. according to Australian Museum, they consist of 33 species in 5 genera. This fish lives near the surface of the water as a child, then dives to a depth of 1,000 to 6,000 meters as an adult.

These fish are called spiders because they have two long fins that look like legs. The fins can also be used to “stand” on the seabed while being supported by the tail, so they are also known as tripod fish. Spider fish can grow up to 45 cm long.

5. Which-which is good-good

5 Animals That Get Called Spiders, Monkeys To Turtleswhich-which good-good (si.edu)

Lastly, there are spider turtles, which don’t actually have a spider-like appearance. But they have a shell that looks like a cobweb, so they got the name.

This turtle consists of two species, namely the spider turtle (Pyxis arachnoides) and a flat-backed spider tortoise (Pyxis planicauda). Both are endemic to Madagascar. They can do estivasi alias long sleep during the dry season. The size of this turtle is quite small, which only reaches 17 cm.

The five animals above are called spiders for various reasons. In your opinion, which is the most unique of them?

Also read: 10 Types of Spiders with the Most Beautiful and Unique Patterns

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