Yogurt is one of the first foods we were introduced to as Bulgarian children, and the fact that our traditional preference for it is literally our national trait can only make us happy. We can hardly imagine our national cuisine without this unique product, present in pies, salads, tarator, toppings, desserts… The best thing is that its beneficial role for our health is more than undeniable.
Yogurt is a gift from the gods. There is no other food that is food and drink at the same time, is useful for the figure and for health, is delicious, can be both sweet and salty, and has indispensable cosmetic properties.
Specialists recommend the daily intake of yogurt, but the amount should not exceed 400 grams or one bucket.
This is what will happen to your body if you eat 1 bucket of yogurt a day:
It is useful for the figure – Yogurt has no calories. Even full-fat, which we recommend you consume, contains 60 calories per 100 g. In addition, milk contains both carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Enriched with a little nuts and honey, it becomes the ideal breakfast, mid-meal, or dinner.
Yogurt successfully lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood – It has been proven that after a week of milk intake, the level of bad cholesterol can drop by more than 30 percent. Thus, the risk of atherosclerosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system is reduced.
Another reason for the daily use of yogurt is that it is an effective remedy against acute constipation – constipation and other diseases associated with obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract.
Strengthens bones – Yogurt is a very good source of calcium, which is important for bone health, and lactic acid provides a suitable environment for the absorption of the element. A number of nutritionists and doctors recommend it for bone fractures and dislocations because of the pure calcium ions it contains.
It is also recommended to take for recovery from training, as well as taking for disturbances in the cardiovascular system. Calcium ions are a very important electrolyte for myocardial function.
Good for diabetics – It has a low fat content, making it a must-have item in the diet of diabetics. With milk, people suffering from the insidious disease get the carbohydrates they need, which their body is able to process more quickly and easily.
Small amounts of lactose in the product allow people with lactose intolerance to eat yogurt. Casein, the main protein in milk, is partially broken down during fermentation, which reduces the possibility of allergic reactions when consuming the healthy dairy product.
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