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5-3, the blues tear the hand off! – OA Sport


08.17 Yeeeee! Rios gives us the gift! Long stone! Mosaner can blow the bank with his last shot, then there will be Constantini’s. Situation to exploit …

08.16 Bravo Mosaner, removes two rival stones. Now Rios’ answer, we are in a crucial moment of the game.

08.15 Rios creates the yellow pile on the right of the house. But be careful because now Mosaner can attempt the super fail.

08.14 Blue error. An attempt is made to remove the two yellow stones at the edge of the house, but a rival stone moves internally. Bad situation…

08.12 Constantini wisely decides not to enter the house with the first stone. Clearly the powerplay shuffles the cards on the table.

08.11 ITALY-SWITZERLAND 5-3 after the fifth end. Switzerland still in hand in the sixth end. The Swiss use powerplay and thus move the pre-positioned stones to the side, effectively removing the guard.

08.09 MISTAKEAAAAAAAAA! ITALY STOLES THE MANOOOOOOOOOO! One point on the hand of the Swiss!

08.08 Constantini opts to add another guard. Perret, however, can try a super shot and move the Italian stone to score points. It is not easy because there is a double guard.

08.07 Rios goes for a super rejection, but the point is still for Italy. Now Constantini’s last shot must complicate Perret’s hammer life. Go Stefania …

08.05 Switzerland calls time-out and consults with coach Peter Hartmann (it is possible to do this once per game). The skein to unravel is complex in the house.

08.03 Mosaner brilliantly approaches and puts Rios in difficulty, who in fact quarrels with Perret (it is not the first time, remember that they were a couple in life and they separated).

08.02 Rios manages to place the second blue stone, but Italy still appears to have the advantage. Penultimate pitch, it’s up to Mosaner.

08.01 Response from Amos Mosaner’s scream! Two Italian stones placed, Switzerland is forced to chase.

08.00 Rios’ shot passes by a whisker and enters the house, touching the two Italian stones.

08.00 Mosaner perfect, stone masterfully in the center of the house, next to the one placed just now by Constantini.

07.59 What a mistake! Perret pulls along! Stone off the pitch.

07.58 It starts again. First pitch for Stefania Constantini. He places it in the red circle, in front of the pre-placed stone.

07.53 ITALY-SWITZERLAND 4-3 at the end of the fourth end. We are halfway through the game. Now a short break, then the fifth end with the Swiss in hand.

07.51 Too bad. The last stone doesn’t turn enough. Only one point for Italy in the fourth end.

07.49 Perret leaves room for Constantini! There is room to invent a coup from several points! Stefania must be very good, but she can do it …

07.48 Mosaner takes a stone out of the way, but perhaps the line has opened up a little too much. Perret could place a stone right, then forcing Constantini to a big play at the end.

07.46 Rios shuffles the cards in the house, but it is always the Italian stone at the point. Now Mosaner has to come up with a nice shot to simplify the situation and bring a real advantage to Italy.

07.45 A little dirty shot by Mosaner. He puts a stone in the red circle, but it could have been done better than a few centimeters.

07.43 Swiss approach, leaning on the Italian stone in the heart of the house. Mosaner and Constantini are studying the counter move.

07.42 VERY GOOD MOSANER! It takes the opponent stone out of the way, we have two on point. However, Rios can fight back.

07.41 Nice shot by Constantini, stone perfectly in the center of the house. Rios passes the guard, but then turns off the stone placed by Stefania.

07.39 ITALY-SWITZERLAND 3-3 after the third end. Soon the fourth end, Italy at hand.

07.38 Perret has invented something absurd. Unprecedented precision, it places the second stone in front of ours for a few millimeters. Switzerland marks two points …

07.37 Mosaner sets up a guard. In fact, they concede a point to Switzerland, while avoiding a heavier partial. Except miracles of Perret.

07.36 Defensive play also for Rios, but it is too short a stone … Last shot for Constantini, there is a crowd at home: another anthological play is needed.

07.35 Mosaner decides to go and touch the pre-positioned guard and double the guard. Will Rios break it with a fail?

07.33 Mistake from Switzerland! Rios completely missed his shot, he smoothed the house! Stone adrift. Now the blues have to hit …

07.31 Conservative play for Rios, who enters the house. Mosaner queues up. Pile of stone in the red circle.

07.30 The second Italian stone is a bit wide, but it’s not a mistake. Rios must now respond.

07.29 Inertia of the game in favor of Italy, the vice Olympic champions are a bit in trouble. Marking between Mosaner and Rios in the heart of the house after the first stone exchange.

07.28 CURLING – ITALY-SWITZERLAND 3-1 after the second end. Soon the third end, Switzerland at hand.


07.25 Perret tries to remove the Italian stone, but they can’t. The point for Italy is sure, but let’s see if Constantini comes up with something to bring home a very difficult second point.

07.23 Nooooooo! Let’s go get a guard, that’s a mistake. Switzerland has the last shot, they can remove our stone but it is not easy. Then there will still be Constantini’s last pitch.

07.22 Rios is decidedly inaccurate, he moves the stones in a confusing way. Slow pass?

07.21 Great shot! Mosaner takes out an opponent’s stone.

07.19 Perret enters the house and shifts the balance a little, but at the moment we always have two stones in point. It’s up to Mosaner, let’s see if he will try to play to remove the two yellow stones and improve the situation at home.

07.18 Ancoraaaaaaaa! Constantini magical shooting, Mosaner supports her with a stratospheric arm! Excellent placement, two Italian stones on point: very well circumvented the Swiss wall.

07.17 Excellent shot by Constantini! He goes to place it in the center of the house, excellently bypassing Perret’s stone at the opening!

07.15 In the second end, Italy will have the advantage of the last shot.

07.14 We go in luxury. Perret misses the shot. Switzerland scores a point in the first end. ITALY-SWITZERLAND 0-1. Soon the second end.

07.12 Constantini’s very slow stone, Mosaner unleashes his elbow and pushes her into the house. He manages to place himself in front of a Swiss stone, but the situation is complicated. If Perret is good he will be able to take home two or three points (one is now sure).

07.11 Rios’ masterful shot. He goes flush with Mosaner’s guard, enters the house, rejects the situation and remains a Swiss stone in the center of the house. A point. Constantini must come up with a spell with the final damage limitation roll.

07.10 An interlocutory shot by Mosaner, who decides to place a guard. Revisible. Rios will answer.

07.09 Rios decides to open the two guards, goes to the rejection and opens the field wide. Now the 3-in-a-row at home we mentioned earlier. Two stones are missing each, we leave again with Constantini.

07.08 Mosaner opts for a guard next to the most pre-positioned stone on the eve of the start of the game (by regulation). At this point the game will necessarily have to develop on the right.

07.07 Mosaner goes to the berth. A 3-in-a-row at home with two Italian stones separated from the Swiss one. Rios’ first pitch does not change the fencing. Tight marking between the two teams! Three stones left each, now still Mosaner.

07.06 Perret approaches the stone pulled a little while ago by the blue. Now the first launch of Amos Mosaner.

07.06 The blue places the stone in the center of the house. Each team has five stones at their disposal.

07.06 Switzerland will have the hammer in favor. Italy begins with Stefania Constantini.

07.05 Italy and Switzerland are on the ice! Remember that each team will have 22 minutes for their shots. Soon we leave.

07.00 In five minutes the two teams will descend on the ice, ready to start this decisive match for the fate of the general classification.

06.57 We remember that we compete on the distance of the eight ends, against the ten foreseen instead in the competitions with the quartets.

06.55 The Azzurri still have all the credentials to play it evenly and to dream of a bang in a specialty where anything can happen and where balance often reigns.

06.51 Italy is still called to climb a wall because Switzerland won the silver medal at the PyeongChang Winter Olympics with Perret and Rios.

06.49 Starting at 07.05 am another match will be played on the ice of the National Aquatics Center in Beijing: USA-Norway.

06.47 We remind you that ten Nationals participate in the Games, who face each other only once: the first four classified enter the semifinals.

06.45 Italy qualified for the Olympics through last year’s World Cup, when they played an excellent group stage and were eliminated by Norway in the play-off to access the semi-finals.

06.42 The Italian couple is made up of Amos Mosaner, who is also part of the men’s quartet (expected on the ice next week) and Stefania Constantini, who is proving to be decidedly solid and who has grown a lot from a technical point of view in the last year .

06.40 Switzerland lost yesterday 7-6 in the extra-end against China and didn’t play tonight. This is the second game of the Games for the red-cross couple.

06.38 Amos Mosaner and Stefania Constantini, making their absolute debut at the Games, are a loose cannon. At 07.05 am they will meet the Swiss couple formed by Jenny Perret and Martin Rios.

06.36 In the night Italy made its debut with a brilliant victory over the USA for 8-4, starting its five-circle adventure brilliantly.

06.35 Hello and welcome to LIVE LIVE from Italy-Switzerland, match valid for the mixed doubles curling tournament at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.



The ambitions of ItalyItaly’s day program

Hello and welcome to LIVE LIVE from Italy-Switzerland, a match valid for the mixed doubles curling tournament at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. The blue couple continues their adventure at the Games after making their debut against the USA. Amos Mosaner and Stefania Constantini, who qualified for the appointment through last year’s World Cup, they present themselves as potential loose mines and can surprise.

Italy will cross the Swiss couple, that on the opening day fell on the ice of the National Aquatics Center to face China (they were beaten at the extra-end for 7-6). Our standard bearers will try to keep up with Jenny Perret e Martin Rios. It promises to be a decidedly hard-fought and exciting game over the eight-end distance, open to any result.

OA Sport offers you LIVE LIVE from Italy-USA, match valid for the mixed doubles curling tournament at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. The match will be staged on Thursday 3 February, starting at 07.05 Italian time (14.05 local time): news in real time, minute by minute, end after end, stone by stone, so as not to miss anything. Have a good fun.

Photo: FISG

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