Home » today » Technology » 48% of junior high school students use TikTok, what genres do they often watch? Music/singing for girls, music/singing for boys?

48% of junior high school students use TikTok, what genres do they often watch? Music/singing for girls, music/singing for boys?

TikTok, which allows users to share short videos, is a social networking site that has exploded in popularity among people in their teens and twenties because it’s a fun way to have fun in their spare time, but how many middle and high school students actually use it? A survey conducted by LINE Research found that about half of junior high and high school students use it, but it became clear that the genres they frequently watch vary depending on gender and age. Let’s take a look at the details.

Just under 40% of junior high and high school students only watch it, while over 30% know about it but have never used it.

It seems that more junior high school students are actively using TikTok than high school students (according to LINE Research).

First of all, how many middle and high school students are using TikTok? Looking at the survey results, 48% of junior high school students answered that they use it, but only 11% watched and posted videos, and 37% only watched videos. There are many users who are just The proportion of high school students who use both viewing and posting is even lower at 5%. Here too, viewing only was the most popular at 37%.

On the other hand, 38% of middle school students and 32% of high school students said, “I know about TikTok, but I have never used it,” indicating that not all middle and high school students are TikTok users.

Also of interest is the percentage of respondents who said, “I used to use it, but I don’t use it now.” The percentage of high school students was higher than that of junior high school students, and it appears that high school students tried using it but got bored with it, or found something else to enjoy, and their interests shifted elsewhere. Furthermore, when looking at the gender breakdown, the usage rate was higher among girls among both middle school and high school students, with 57% of middle school girls using TikTok and 54% of high school girls using it, more than half.

Boys ranked first in games for both junior high and high school!Girls are more interested in idols/celebrities and music/singing.

Overall, girls have a higher percentage of each item than boys (according to “LINE Research”)

Next, let’s take a look at the genres that junior high and high school students often watch. Looking at the rankings for junior high school boys, the number one place for junior high school boys is games. The result was by far 66.1%, followed by Manga/Anime at 48.9%, followed by Sports/Exercise/Fitness at 47.7%. Among high school boys, games were ranked first at 51.8%, but music/singing was second at 46.8%, and manga/anime was third at 37.1%, showing some changes.

Among junior high school girls, music/singing ranked first at 69.5%, which is also impressive. Beauty/cosmetics came in second at 54.2%, followed by manga/anime at 50.8%. 62.3% of high school girls ranked idols/celebrities in first place, an increase of nearly 15% compared to 47.7% of middle school students. Beauty and cosmetics came in second at 58.6%, and music and singing came in third at 55.8%, so there doesn’t seem to be much of a change in what people are interested in.

Looking at the genre, studies and trivia were ranked 5th among junior high school boys and 6th among junior high school girls, but only 10th among high school students. Normally, it would be a good thing for high school students to be more interested in studying, but on the other hand, this may be a sign that they don’t want to think about studying even on TikTok…

It is also surprising that the same dish/recipe that ranks 7th among high school girls also appears in 9th place among junior high school boys. Will we finally see a time when men who cook become the norm?

Source:[research notes

*Thumbnail image (Image: DANIEL CONSTANTE / Shutterstock.com)

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