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46 municipal presidents have died from Covid-19 in Mexico

One year and four months after the start of the epidemic of Covid-19 In Mexico, more than 100 mayors and 17 governors have contracted the new coronavirus, and nearly 50 city presidents have died of complications from the disease.

José Dolores Jiménez López, municipal president of Santa María Nativitas, Oaxaca, was the last mayor who died in our country because of Covid-19.

According to a count of The Economist, 46 mayors have lost their lives to the disease since February 2020, in addition to another number of elected presidents.

For example, on October 26, 2020, the elected municipal president of San Agustín Tlaxiaca, Hidalgo, Felipe Hernández, died of the coronavirus. The politician was infected during the development of his political campaign.

On February 18 of this year he passed away because of virus SarsCoV-2 the municipal president of Villa de Tezontepec, Hidalgo, Patricia González Valencia, who was the second mayor of that municipality to die from this viral cause. He took a protest from office on December 15, so he barely had two months in office.

According to the count, Oaxaca, Puebla Y Tlaxcala They are the entities that have registered the most losses of mayors throughout the pandemic.

The municipal president of Salvador Alvarado, Sinaloa, Carlos Mario Ortiz Sánchez, was infected twice with the virus, but the second time he failed to defeat the virus and died on October 8 of last year.

In addition, another significant number of former mayors have died in the country, such as Aurelio Santamaría Bahena, former mayor of Tlapehuala, Guerrero, who died on February 5 of this year.

Meanwhile, some of the 17 Governors who have contracted the disease and overcame it are Claudia Pavlovich from Sonora; Carlos Mendoza Davis from Baja California Sur; Claudia Sheinbaum, Head of Government of Mexico City; Silvano Aureoles from Michoacán; Omar Fayad de Hidalgo; Jaime Bonilla from Baja California and Alejandro Murat Hinojosa from Oaxaca, among others. Also the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and members of his cabinet such as the secretaries of the Treasury, Arturo Herrera; of Energy, Rocío Nahle; of Public Function, Irma Eréndida Sandoval; and of Tourism, Miguel Torruco; from the National Defense, Luis Crescencio Sandoval, and from the Navy, Rafael Ojeda, among others, have contracted and overcome the disease favorably.

Legislators, political party leaders, as well as candidates for different elected positions have not escaped the epidemic either.

· June 9, 2021. Mayor of Santa María Nativitas, Oaxaca, José Dolores Jiménez López.

· April 13, 2021. Mayor of Tepoztlán, Morelos, Rogelio Torres Ortega.

· March 31, 2021. Mayor of Soltepec, Puebla Leobardo Aguilar Flores.

· March 5, 2021. Mayor of Tarímbaro, Michoacán, Baltazar Gaona.

· February 28, 2021. Mayor of San José Tenango, Oaxaca, Hugo García Ríos.

· February 25, 2021. Mayor of Jalpan, Puebla, Nicolás Galindo Márquez.

· February 23, 2021. Mayor of San Pedro Mixtepec, Oaxaca, Amado Vázquez.

· February 23, 2021. Mayor of Petlalcingo, Puebla, Filadelfo Vergara Tapia.

· February 19, 2021. Mayor of San Sebastián Río Hondo, Oaxaca, Juvenal García Hernández.

· February 18, 2020. Mayor of Villa de Tezontepec, Hidalgo, Patricia González Valencia.

· February 8, 2021. Mayor of Atzacan, Veracruz, Octavio Misael Lorenzo Morales.

· January 30, 2021. Mayor of Tasquillo, Hidalgo, María de Jesús Chávez.

· January 27, 2021. Mayor of San Bartolo Cohuecan, Puebla, Filogonia Adorno Aragón.

· January 26, 2021. Mayor of Xitlapehua, Oaxaca, José Yolando Jarquín Bustamante.

· January 26, 2020. Mayor of San Juan Tamazola, Oaxaca, Efraín Lázaro.

· January 25, 2021. Mayor of Santa Catarina Lóxicha, Oaxaca, Leonilo Ruíz Martínez.

· December 17, 2020. Mayor of Jaltenco, State of Mexico, José Rosario Romero Lugo.

· November 15, 2020. Mayor of Moloacán, Veracruz, María del Carmen Prieto Mortera

· October 26, 2020. Mayor of Tulcingo del Valle, Puebla, Juan Manuel Rodríguez.

· October 8, 2020. Mayor of Salvador Alvarado, Sinaloa, Carlos Mario Ortiz Sánchez.

· October 5, 2020. Mayor of Ocampo, Michoacán, Roberto Arriaga Colín.

· October 3, 2020. Mayor of Venustiano Carranza, Puebla, Héctor Carrasco Márquez.

· September 23, 2020. Mayor of Santa Cruz Xitla, Oaxaca, Pedro Modesto Santos.

· September 13, 2020. Mayor of San Miguel del Río, Oaxaca, Daniel Efrén Hernández.

· August 30, 2020. Mayor of Tonanitla, state of Mexico, Tomás Primo Negrete.

· August 25, 2020. Mayor of San Bartolomé Quialana, Oaxaca, Victorino Gómez Martínez.

· August 24, 2020. Mayor of General Felipe Ángeles, Puebla, Miguel Antonio Vázquez.

· August 22, 2020. Mayor of Santiago Jocotepec, Oaxaca, Pedro Escárcega Pérez.

· August 21, 2020. Mayor of San Baltazar Chichicapam, Oaxaca, Florencio San Germán.

· August 18, 2020. Mayor of Matías Romero, Oaxaca, Alfredo Juárez Díaz.

· August 9, 2020. Mayor of Moloacán, Veracruz, Victoria Rasgado Pérez.

· August 5, 2020. Mayor of Tamazulapam del Espíritu Santo, Oaxaca, Artemio Ortiz Ricárdez.

· July 18, 2020. Mayor of Samahil, Yucatán, Rigoberto Tun Salas.

· July 16, 2020. Mayor of Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, Fernando Bautista Dávila.

· July 13, 2020. Mayor of Amaxac de Guerrero, Tlaxcala, Faustino Carin Molina Castillo.

· July 9, 2020. Mayor of the Municipality of Vanegas, San Luis Potosí, Josué Antonio García Rodríguez.

· July 8, 2020. Mayor of Vanegas, San Luis Potosí, Josué García.

· June 29. Mayor of Coetzala, Veracruz, Gerardo Tirso Acahua Apale.

· June 13, 2020. Mayor of Reyes Etla, Oaxaca, Javier Santiago Ruiz

· June 18, 2020. Mayor of Acaponeta, Nayarit, Humberto Arellano Núñez.

· July 17, 2020. Mayor of Miahuatlán, Veracruz, Delia Bárcena Villa.

· June 16, 2020. Mayor of Bacoachi, Sonora, Rigoberto González Pacheco.

· July 9, 2020. Mayor of Maxcanú, Yucatán, Reyna Marlene Catzín Cih.

· June 7, 2020. Mayor of Coyotepec, Anguiano Meléndez.

· May 15, 2020. Mayor of Mazatecochco, Tlaxcala, José Esteban Cortés Torres.

· April 30, 2020. Mayor of Santa Ana Nopalucan, Tlaxcala, Jaime Herrera Vara.


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