Home » today » Health » 45 Residents in One Lumpy Village were attacked by Cikungunya

45 Residents in One Lumpy Village were attacked by Cikungunya

CIANJUR, AYOBANDUNG.COM – A total of 45 residents of Cilumping Village, Sukamulya Village, District Warungkondang, Districts Cianjur, experiencing paralysis due to disease Cikungunya this week.

Head of Puskesmas Warungkondang dr Cecep Willy Budiman said, there had been an outbreak cikungunya caused by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito in Sukamulya Village.

“There has been an outbreak of chikunguya, the cause of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito. Cikungunya more attacking the feet accompanied by symptoms of heat. Average of affected people (cikungunya) can’t walk, “said Cecep to Ayobandung.com when contacted by phone, Friday (14/8/2020).

“The cause is mosquitoes and the environment. We don’t monitor the water here flowing. We’ll drop the abate medicine and tomorrow we will fogging to get rid of mosquito larvae, “said Willy.

A total of 45 residents were infected cikungunya and the patient has been treated so that no one has been referred. Willy added, the plague cikungunya has been going on for 7 days.

“Meanwhile, only in Sukamulya Village, yesterday June there was no incident, July-August there was an incident, entered into an Extraordinary Event (KLB),” he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Sulamulya Village Iman Nurjaman confirmed that there were residents who were stricken with diseases cikungunya the effects of which are paralysis of the body, hands and feet.

“A number of residents experienced symptoms of high fever, followed by pain in all joints and red spots on the skin. Furthermore, other body parts, such as legs and hands, are difficult to move or experience paralysis, “said Iman.

This Friday, together with Babinkantibmas, Babinsa, Puskesmas, and community members, we are working together to clean up the environment.

“With our collective will, we do voluntary work, such as cleaning the clogging gutter, we plan to do this on Saturday fogging, “he said.

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