The only thing worse than the number of dogs found in the house – 72 – was their condition. They were thin, flea-ridden, unvaccinated from one to the other, and mostly everything was swimming in their excrement.
Upon their arrival, the firefighters immediately alerted the ASKA animal rescuers, and the emergency department, Ildikó Kasza-Pirka, the head of the Dog Plusz Association, rushed to the scene as a volunteer helper and we were informed that the clerk of Pusztávám was also there. Everyone was overwhelmed by the condition of the animals. According to Zsazsa Molnár Tamásné, ASKA site manager, and Ildikó Kasza-Pirka, the couple who took in the large dog believed that they were doing good for the animals. The latter is also indicated by the fact that although the dogs were in terrible conditions, they were probably not physically harmed, at least the animal protectionists did not find any signs of this.
– We are talking about an existing mental illness when I say that the owner is a dog collector. This is a serious mental problem, since the individual does not see himself realistically. He is not aware that he is committing animal cruelty, because by not physically harming them, he is not yet able to create the standard of living for the dogs that he should, explained the head of Dog Plusz, who also explained that the 72 rescued dogs are a -with two exceptions, one-to-one inbreeding, and this is very worrying for the animals both health-wise and nervously, so they must be rehabilitated as soon as they have recovered and become stronger.
But how have the dogs been since the rescue? This is what we looked for when we visited the ASKA premises on Tuesday afternoon, as the animals were immediately transported there and will certainly remain there for a long time. As Zsazsa Tamásné Molnár also said, when the dogs were unloaded, they were fed and watered immediately and almost lost for food and water, it seemed that they did not get either of the two, as they should. Then they started bathing the animals, they had just finished ‘one dose’ when we arrived. The pairs of eyes looking at us from the kennels almost spoke, they are grateful to their rescuers and those who donate and support their recovery. Fortunately, the shelter does not have a shortage of these now and they are confident that this will remain the case after a week or two.
Even without a long examination, it was clear that most of them came from inbreds, the same spotted coat, the similar size and pout were revealing, and of course also what the site manager revealed:
“Almost all the dogs are between 1 and 3 years old, a third of them are half-year-old puppies, and the smallest ones haven’t even opened their eyes, they can be 1-2 weeks old,” he said.
According to our information, in addition to the animal rescuers, the owner’s son was also there, and he even helped to escape the animals, but because he did not touch them professionally, he was bitten and an ambulance had to be called.
Incidentally, one of the owners was also present at the site, who claims that he only had a few dogs 3 years ago, so it is likely that, in addition to inbreeding, dogs were also taken in from elsewhere. We know that they also lived in the house with the animals.

Returning to our visit this morning, after cleaning the animals, they will begin their treatment, they will be vaccinated, and they will be placed in quarantine for 45 days.
It occurred to many, especially after seeing the pictures seen in the media and on social media, that they must have known about this in the settlement. Why didn’t they do anything? Why did you have to wait for this?
We will look into this in our next article.