Published job offers to cover 431 Administrative positions, throughout Spain, for the management of educational scholarships.
Administrative GESBECAS 2023
Grupo Tragsa, which is part of the Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI) and the Institutional Public Sector, has published a job offer for the incorporation of 431 Administrative staff, to carry out educational scholarship management functions.
Remember that Tragsa has other 125 job offersfor different positions, available until January 19.
Functions to be performed by the contracted persons
The Administrative staff will provide support in the provision of data recording, control in the receipt of documentation and management of the call for scholarships for the 2023/2024 academic year: General call for scholarships for students at post-compulsory levels of education, Call for students with a specific need for educational support and a call for aid for the acquisition of didactic and computer material for students of compulsory levels of education enrolled in centers dependent on the Ministry.
The functions that they will carry out will be, among others, the following:
- Reception of paper documentation including the preparation of registration lists.
- Digitization of the scholarship application documentation to obtain a document in digital format.
- Documentation file provided in paper format for physical storage.
- Recording of the data contained in the application in the different computer systems used by each body.
- Collation of documentation and information provided or recorded by the scholarship applicant and verification that it is complete.
- Preparation of any type of communication (email, telephone call, writing, etc…) addressed to the scholarship applicant, both to gather precise complementary information or to correct it, and to inform them of any aspect related to their application.
Geographical location of the places called
The places are distributed among the Delegations of the Education Councils of the Autonomous Communities and
Universities spread throughout the national territory, in the following 67 locations: A Coruña, Santiago de Compostela, Albacete, Elche, Alicante, AlmeriaOviedo, Ávila, Badajoz, Palma de Mallorca, Barcelona, Mataró, Manresa, Sant Feliu de Llobregat, Sabadell, Burgos, Cáceres, CadizSantander, Castellon, Ceuta, Ciudad Real, CórdobaCuenca, Girona, GranadaGuadalajara, HuelvaHuesca, JaenLas Palmas de Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, León, Lleida, Lugo, Madrid, San Sebastián de los Reyes, Alcalá de Henares, Collado Villalba, Leganés, Getafe, Móstoles,
MálagaMelilla, Murcia, Navarra, Orense, Palencia, Vigo, Pontevedra, Rioja, Salamanca, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, La Palma, La Gomera, Segovia, SevillaSoria, Tarragona, Tortosa, Teruel, Toledo, Valencia, Valladolid, Zamora and Zaragoza.
On the job application, Availability must be indicated to be able to work in a maximum of 3 locationsbeing able to choose any of them according to the needs of the project.
Those who wish to apply for these job offers for Administrative staff must meet the following requirements:
- Possess a FP2/CFGS degree or experience as an administrator (advantageous in the administrative branch).
- Have experience in office automation at the user level in Word.
- Have experience in office automation at the user level in Internet browsing.
- Have availability of incorporation in a maximum period of 3 days from the communication by the company.
Labor conditions
A fixed-term contract associated with the needs of the project is offered. The approximate dates of the contracting periods are expected to be carried out in two phases from 05/16/2023 to 07/15/2023 and from 10/03/2023 to 12/05/2023, formalizing the 2nd phase depending on the location and the number of resources needed. As for the schedule, it is expected to be from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (six hours a day from Monday to Friday).
Employment exchange
With the applicants for this offer, a waiting list will be generated that will cover new needs or unforeseen cancellations for this position. It will be essential to overcome all the phases of the process to opt for a contract.
How to register for the job offers for Administrative
In order to participate in this process, you must fill in the registration form. It will be essential to attach as an annex to the application the supporting documentation of compliance with the academic training or experience requirements detailed in the offer.
He Deadline for application It will be open from January 9 to 15, 2023 (until 11:59 p.m. on the last day).
In case of doubts or problems with the registration you can contact Tragsa, through the mail: [email protected] Indicating the position applied for in the subject. Example: “Query Gesbecas 2023”.