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4,300 new corona cases and increase in hospitals

They are slowly increasing, but they continue to grow: the corona numbers in the country continue to rise. Authorities reported 4,280 new cases of the virus on Saturday.

The corona numbers are rising and rising, but are doing so more slowly now than in previous weeks. The values ​​​​of the week so far in summary: 3,119 infections reported on Monday and 5,113 new infections on Tuesday, 6,751 infections on Wednesday, 5,469 cases on Thursday and 4,918 new infections on Friday. The reported values ​​were mostly higher than the previous week’s comparative data.

Almost 4,300 new corona cases

And what about Saturday? According to “Today”-Information coming soon Saturday 4,280 new infections and 10 deaths added. We recall that a week ago the number of new infections was 3,800. 5,269 people are considered cured compared to Friday. According to official data, the total number of deaths during the pandemic is 21,316 people. In total, well over 203.6 million tests have been carried out since the start of the pandemic.

on the The normal wards currently have 1,132 patients who have tested positive for the corona virus be taken care of – a plus of 21 patients compared to Friday. Even in the intensive care area there has been a slight increase in the number of patients in the last 24 hours from 2 casesnow 68 patients. Not enough bad news? “We are seeing a very strong increase in flu infections week after week,” virologist Lukas Weseslindtner of the MedUni Virology Center Vienna said in an interview with “Heute”.

The second wave of viruses is rampant

Indeed, according to AGES estimates, there are currently over 360,000 cases of flu in Austria. However, the flu wave usually only hits Austria after Christmas and not at the same time as another dangerous virus.

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