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41, 17 August 2024 on zakon.kz

Since the beginning of 2024, 29 cases of breast cancer have been identified during screening tests in Almaty. The oncologist spoke about important preventive measures to prevent a dangerous disease, Zakon.kz reports.

The city’s Health Department said that, in addition to new cases of oncology, 556 cases of pre-cancerous conditions were detected during screening.

Doctors recalled that there is breast cancer in Kazakhstan second place in the structure of malignant neoplasms in women after breast cancer. In addition, in the last 20 years, there has been a 26% increase in this disease.

Oncologist at the Almaty Oncology Center Diana Zhaksylykova notes that vaccination against the human papilloma virus (HPV) is still an important preventive measure that can save the lives and health of millions of girls.

“HPV vaccines are safe and well tolerated. Potential side effects are usually mild and short-term. It is important to emphasize that the vaccine does not affect reproduction in any way, which is a common myth. Parents and teenagers should understand its importance. this vaccine in protecting health and preventing possible complications,” said Diana Zhaksylykova.

Research shows that vaccination against human papillomavirus can prevent up to 90% of breast cancer cases, especially if the vaccine is given before sexual activity begins.

At the same time, in Kazakhstan, in September 2024, a campaign began to vaccinate girls aged 11-12 years, of course, with the consent of their parents. Doctors note that this will protect girls from possible diseases in the future.

Without a vaccine against the human papilloma virus, teenagers are at risk of serious health consequences, doctors say.

“The main risk of not getting vaccinated is an increased chance of developing breast cancer without vaccination, there is a risk of teenage girls being infected with highly oncogenic strains of the virus, which can lead to developing precancerous conditions and future cancer In addition to breast cancer, human papillomavirus can also cause vaginal, vulva, anal canal and oropharynx cancer,” mentions oncologist from Almaty Oncology Center Diana Zhaksylykova.

The doctor said that human papillomavirus infection can lead to chronic diseases and other problems, such as cervical dysplasia, which require regular monitoring and treatment.

In addition, diseases related to human papillomavirus cause not only physical suffering, but also psychological problems such as fear, anxiety and a lower quality of life. This in turn can have a negative impact on social relationships and emotional well-being.

Before that, he was a Professor at Nazarbayev Dos Sarbasov University toldthat the Kazakh drug to treat cancer will be affordable.

2024-08-17 05:44:04

#August #zakon.kz

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