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400 people gathered in Gjøvik

Police say the night of May 17 was calmer than expected. They have nevertheless had to move out to some parties and large gatherings.

At a petrol station in the center of Gjøvik, an estimated 400 young people were gathered.

– Disorders, some fights, as well as infection control challenges, the police write on Twitter.

The party broke up when the police arrived at the scene.

200 pieces in total

On Sunday evening, the police in Oslo reported that an estimated more than 200 Russians had gathered in Vigelandsparken. The police were in place to ensure the maintenance of infection control rules and peace and order.

In Kirkenes, a fire broke out in a tent where the black panties were having a party. The Russian had lit a fire inside the tent, which burned completely.

– Of course it is not going well, the police in Finnmark write on Twitter.

In Ålesund, the police stopped a party on Geileberget with almost 100 people.

In Hamar, a Russian was arrested for bodily harm by beating another Russian. The victim was given a cut over the eye that probably needs to be sewn. This is the most serious episode of violence in connection with the Russians that was reported last night.

At 02.52, the police in Kristiansand moved out after reports that loud music from the Russians disturbed overnight guests in the Zoo.

– The police are on the scene. Little focus on infection control. The police will remain on site until the number is reduced, it is dissolved and night peace is restored, the police wrote on Twitter.

The Russian has behaved well

– It has been calmer than we expected, says operations manager in the Oslo Police Guro Sandnes to TV 2.

She says there were significantly fewer reports of noise and disturbance of the night calm this night compared to the two previous nights this weekend.

– We had expected and feared more, the Russian has behaved well. It has actually gone very well, she says.

Several police districts also write on Twitter that the Russians have behaved well.

– It has been an evenly busy night until 17 May. No serious incidents. The Russian has left his mark on the events last night, but has on the whole behaved well, writes the West police district on Twitter.

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