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400 controls and 2 professionals verbalized

After announcing containment measures and drawing up the country’s situation vis-à-vis the coronavirus during the week, Prime Minister Xavier Bettel and Minister of Health, Paulette Lenert, spoke again on Friday at 2 p.m. A government council, which met on Friday morning, made it possible to further refine the containment measures and especially the exceptions with regard to authorized movements.

Xavier Bettel clarified that outings to take care of animals, horses in particular, were possible but on an individual basis. Walks “in the open air” are also authorized, but only with the family unit and “respecting a distance of two meters between people”. More surprisingly, moves are also possible during this exceptional period. All of this is in addition to the trips required for food purchases, pharmacy, or medical appointments.

As we know, these measures are accompanied by sanctions if they are not respected. 400 police checks were carried out Thursday across the country and “no verbalization was sent to private individuals,” said Xavier Bettel. Only a few “reminders to order”. On the other hand, “a business and a cafe” that remained open “have been fined” according to information from the Prime Minister.

A police system supplemented by cooperation from the Grand Duchy with its neighboring countries, each agreeing not to close the borders. “50 customs officers” were posted at the borders with Germany, France and Belgium, before regulating traffic and checking the flow of border workers. In the same vein, truck traffic is still possible, even on Sunday. “It is important to maintain the transit of goods,” said Xavier Bettel.

(The essential)

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