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40 things about Vicco, by Vicco | Music

Vicco is one of the participants of the Benidorm Fest 2023. The artist has become one of the 18 candidates to represent Spain in Eurovision 2023. But his race to reach Liverpool, where this year’s event is being held, has only just begun. The artist will defend the theme in the city of Alicante whole night. Will it become one of the Eurofans’ favorite songs?

Songs like A drink of you, drive-in o With great pleasure They have surprised their followers and followers. Betting on a pop rock style in his songs, we will have to see what surprises us in whole night. Surely we fall in love with the theme.

To get to know a little better Vicco (who will surely give a lot to talk about in the coming months beyond the Benidorm Fest)the artist has faced our test of the 40 things of LOS40.

40 things about Vicco, by Vicco

1. Full name: Victoria Riba Muns

2. Year and city of birth: 10/03/1995, Barcelona

3. Favorite musical genre: Pop

4. How was the moment you knew you wanted to dedicate yourself to music? When my parents, neighbors and close people told me that I sang very well. I remember with special affection that at that time he hit me very hard with the song “What you’re made of” by Lucy Silvas.

5. How do you remember your first time in a recording studio? When I started to record my first demos. They were in English and who knew that Alejandro Sanz himself would end up listening to them later.

6. A music genre you would never touch: I would never sing Opera. It seems to me a very complicated genre that requires a lot of specific and technical preparation.

7. A favorite artist and artist:Ariana Grande and The Weekend freak me out.

8. The music you used to listen to at home as a child:The Beatles, Maná, Alejandro Sanz… I have always listened to a lot of music.

9. A song you’re obsessed with right now:Automatic by Maria Becerra.

10. The one you hate hearing right now: The Quevedo and BZRP session. I have overbooked listening to it everywhere.

11. A song that you would have liked to have composed by another artist: Everything about you the Raw Alejandro.

12. The artist you’d like to collaborate with: I would love to collaborate with Recycled J or Karol G.

13. The artist who is in your contact book:Alex Ubago.

14. A song of yours that you are proud of:It hasn’t come out yet…

15. If you weren’t a singer, you would be…As a child, I dreamed of being an astronaut or a dentist.

16. A series that has hooked you until you see 5 episodes in a row:From FRIENDS going by Breaking Bad, Dark, The Money Heist

17. A favorite hobby or sport:Spinning helps me to disconnect a lot.

18. What you like most about music:mourn her Play music to enhance the emotions that I carry inside, to connect with me and even use it as therapy by composing.

19. The least:That I can’t avoid not analyzing it… I suppose it’s professional deformation.

20. The Benidorm Fest for you is…a huge opportunity for the public to hear what I have to say as well as a personal challenge and being very close to being able to play on one of the most important stages in the world.

21. A word that defines your Benidorm Fest song: nocturnaThe title defines it very well.

22. The social network that hooks you the most:TikTok

23: The social network that gives you the most laziness:Facebook

24. Something that makes you lazy: Get up early.

25. A phrase that you repeat a lot:Nothing is that important.

26. Something about you that very few people know:I am very freak of video games. I started with The Sims and I have ended up very addicted to LOL.

27. What is your favorite cartoon or TV character?Sailor Moon.

28. A movie (or several) that defines you:Inside Out o Up. I love cartoons.

29. Something you are FATAL about:Cooking is not very good for me…

30. Something (or someone) you are obsessed with:with the paranormal. Everything that scares me I love.

31. Your personality (are you calm, hyperactive…):I am pisces. That is, all emotions taken to the extreme at once.

32. A childhood toy (or game) you remember:Donkey Kong from the Gameboy.

33. What you miss:My childhood, I am very nostalgic.

34. Something you regret:Of not having lived very much in the present for a large part of my life. He always had his head in the future or in the past.

35. Your favorite word:Truita (tortilla in Catalan).

36. A mania:I hold my own hands to give myself peace of mind before a concert.

37. Tattoos:I’m 21. People are surprised that I have a plate of pasta tattooed on my arm, but I just love it!

38. A hidden pleasure (or something you’re embarrassed to admit you like):Fill up on popcorn every time I go to the movies. Half sweet, half salty, and a whole bucket for me.

39. If you had to put a title to your next album or song, it would be…Lila.

40. If you met your childhood self, what would you say to him?Believe more in you.

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