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40 percent of the Swiss population uses AI tools

These are the results of the Digimonitor study published on Thursday by the Electronic Media Interest Group (Igem) and advertising media research. Among 15- to 19-year-olds, 70 percent already use AI tools. They are used primarily to answer questions, write texts and for translations.

Instagram remains the number 1 platform in Switzerland with 3.8 million users. According to the study, Facebook has 3.3 million, followed by Linkedin with 2.7 million and Pinterest with 2.2 million. Snapchat and Tiktok, which are popular among younger people, each have 1.5 million users.

TV remains the leading medium

Although streaming is gaining in importance, the reach of television remains unmatched, as the study shows: With 3.5 million viewers per day, TV serves an audience twice as large as YouTube. Netflix reaches less than a third of the TV audience.

According to Digimonitor, three types of media are used practically throughout Switzerland: messenger services, digital news and TV/video streaming. Among the messenger services, Whatsapp is by far the most popular with 6.06 million users.

When it comes to digital news, domestic private media are in the lead, just ahead of the websites and apps of the national broadcasters SRF, RTS and RSI. When it comes to TV/video streaming, YouTube dominates with a share of 79 percent, followed by Play SRF/RTS/RSI (57 percent) and Netflix (54 percent).

Less than a third of the population is willing to pay for a digital news service. Older people and those with higher incomes are most likely to pay for a subscription. The willingness to pay to avoid advertising is significantly higher: 69 percent of viewers pay for ad-free streaming on Disney+, and seven percent on YouTube.

Headphones and headsets popular

Almost all of Switzerland wears earplugs: 4.6 million use headphones or a headset. In addition to videos and social media, they are also used to consume pure audio content. 80 percent of the population listens to music streams or the radio every day. 63 percent listen to podcasts occasionally.

At the same time, traditional radio remains popular. 90 percent listen to the radio occasionally and more than half even do so daily. Teletext still reaches a third of the population.

On average, Swiss people use around six devices for media consumption. 96 percent of the population use a smartphone, 91 percent a television and 86 percent a laptop. Well over half also have a radio, a tablet and a PC. Smart home devices, smartwatches and games consoles are also widespread.

The Digimonitor study has been collecting data on the use of electronic media and devices in Switzerland every year since 2014. Due to a change in methodology, the results from 2024 are not comparable with previous years. The online survey took place in April-May 2024. 1,970 people were surveyed, of which 1,008 were in German-speaking Switzerland, 762 in French-speaking Switzerland and 200 in Italian-speaking Switzerland.

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