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40% of pensions without increase

Only 1.2m will receive a raise, the social minister said

The supplement of BGN 50 will last until July

The money for the “Hot Lunch” of the needy is running out

Nearly 40 percent of pensioners in Bulgaria will not receive a pension increase from July 1. This became clear from the report of the Minister of Labor and Social Policy Galab Donev for what was done in the first month by the caretaker government.

The government will soon adopt a decision to increase pensions by 5% for over 1,245,000 Bulgarian pensioners, so that the pensions granted until December 31, 2020 will be updated, Donev said. With nearly 2.1 million retirees in our country, this means that for almost 850,000 of them there will be no increase in pensions. As Trud has already written, there will be no increase for pensioners who receive a ceiling of BGN 1,440. According to the latest data of the National Social Security Institute, there are a little over 18,000 people in our country. There will be no increase for people whose real pension, calculated by the National Social Security Institute when they retire, is less than BGN 300.

For example, if a pensioner has to receive BGN 200 per month, according to his length of service and insurance income, and now learns a 5% increase – or BGN 10 more, in practice his pension should be reduced, as he already receives BGN 300 – as much as the minimum pension, experts explained to Trud. In practice, these people have already received a 20% increase in their pensions from January 1, when the minimum was BGN 250-300. From July 1, 2021, the social old-age pension will also be increased by 5% and from BGN 141.63 to BGN 148.71. As a result, non-employment pensions will increase (military disability pension, civil disability pension). , social invalidity pension and personal pension) and the allowances calculated as a percentage thereof.

The supplement for all pensioners of BGN 50 will continue to be paid for another two months, the Minister of Social Affairs also reported. These are about 2 million and 88,000 Bulgarian pensioners who will continue to receive the supplement, he added.

The patronage care, which is provided to the most needy, who are in their homes and are limited by the possibility to serve themselves and meet their daily needs, continues. They receive and will continue to receive their hourly patronage care from over 161 municipalities that have signed an agreement with the ministry, the caretaker deputy prime minister added.

Donev pointed out that the “Hot Lunch” program continues. “The resources for it are almost half exhausted, but there is enough for it to last until the end of the year. The applications that must be submitted by the end of July have been announced, “the minister said.


A complete fog of how the 60/40 measure will continue

Unemployment is falling by 37% per year

The government is still unclear how measures to support businesses and citizens will continue due to the crisis. “The analysis of the measures that have been implemented so far continues. One of the measures that will be continued is 60/40 “, announced during his report the Minister of Social Affairs Galab Donev. However, he again did not specify what the measure would look like and which businesses it would apply to. According to information from Trud, there will be money only for the companies that prove a 40% drop in turnover in June and July compared to the respective month of last year, which practically liquidates it. We are actively working with the social partners, employers and trade unions, added the caretaker Deputy Prime Minister.

He reassured Bulgarian business that our economy is already in a phase of recovery and recovery. “Unemployment in the country continues to decline. On an annual basis, the decrease is over 37%. Currently, the unemployment rate is about 5.4%. This is a good sign that the Bulgarian economy is gradually recovering and overcoming the stagnation in which it was forcibly placed by the measures that were applied to limit the spread of the coronavirus. At the same time, employment is also growing, which is a good indicator for the Bulgarian economy, as additional jobs have been created, “Donev said.

They introduce 10 new projects

They are finalizing the Recovery and Development Plan

They upgrade the STEM offices with a center

Atanas Pekanov

The recovery and development plan has not yet been sent to Brussels because it is being finalized. “The recovery plan has not yet been submitted to Brussels, but the money for Bulgaria is not in danger, it will come by the end of the year,” Deputy Prime Minister for European Funds Management Atanas Pekanov said during the caretaker government’s report. “We will receive 13% funding from the moment it is approved,” Pekanov said.

“The plan is delayed for two reasons – one is because of the decision of our predecessors not to submit it and some technical malfunctions that were left for us to solve. When I took office, I found some criticism from the EC, which we have been actively working on in the last month, “he added. “The second reason for the delay is our desire to improve the plan and make adjustments to ensure that this resource is used in the best way and no compromise is made with it,” Pekanov said.

More than 30 new projects have been submitted for approval. Some of them do not meet the strict criteria, but 10 more new projects have been approved. “In the field of education, we are upgrading the project with a STEM center. It will also train our academic Olympic champions, “said the Deputy Prime Minister for European Funds Management.

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