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4-year request for two men for using false payrolls to buy three cars that they later sold

The trial will be held from this Tuesday at the Audiencia de Valladolid


Valladolid Prosecutor’s Office is requesting sentences of four years in prison for two men, HGM and RCC, accused of acquiring three vehicles through the alleged presentation of false payrolls and which they later sold.

The oral hearing of the trial is scheduled, in principle, for this Tuesday and Wednesday, January 26 and 27, respectively, in the Fourth Criminal Section of the Provincial Court, where the public prosecution is presented with the aforementioned jail petition and A fine of 1,800 euros for each of those indicted for a continuing crime of documentary falsification in competition with another continuing fraud, according to legal sources informed Europa Press.

In addition, the prosecutor in the case requests that both, by way of civil liability, pay different compensation for an amount greater than 26,100 euros.

In his account of events, the prosecutor points out that the two defendants, put together, decided to acquire vehicles of various brands in dealerships in the capital by requesting financed loans that they would not pay later, with the claim after selling the cars.

To this end, using a payroll in the name of RCC, who had worked for Campsa, they altered the amount thereof so that it would appear that the salary he received was 2,167 euros per month, instead of the 450 he actually received.

Also, and always according to the thesis of the public prosecution, they presented a certificate of ownership of a bank account in the name of the aforementioned defendant, who appeared as a buyer.

Thus, both showed up with this documentation at the seller’s establishment, chose the car and, simulating solvency, managed to deliver the vehicle, without paying the monthly receipts from the finance companies.

In this way, between June 28 and July 4, 2019, they obtained the delivery of a Ford Fiesta at the dealership of this brand on Avenida de Gijón, after obtaining financing from Banco Sabadell Consumer for 12,700 euros; of a Volkswagen Polo in Seat Ocasión located on Avenida de Burgos, for which they obtained 13,400 euros from the financial company of this company, as well as a Mercedes class AM at the brand’s dealership, also on Avenida de Burgos, after achieving 23,976 euros of financing.

This last car was recovered on November 8 of that same year and handed over to its owner, while the Ford Fiesta is in Belgium and has not been able to be recovered.

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