same objective, to combatcrime.íctor: since the last timewho informed them about thestory of a 4 year oldyears that miraculously survived,that we show you howParents can protect theirsmall from an accidentsimilar.pete: in that window what is italso the sixth floor hadthe little fell in this areathat you can see, thanks to aquick police responseof the community, they took himimmediately to the hospital.the child’s mother tells uswhat are lospor one leg andwho was very active inhospital, even asking for juice.that air conditioner wasplaced in this window.on the lateral portion ofair, the child began to play andthere it falls from this sixth floor.there was no fence heremetal, the authorities cameand they placed it.we were able to verify that the restof the apartment windowsthey were dulyprotected.only the area