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4 Ways You Can Do to Take Care of Eye Health

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Guard eye health is the most important thing. Especially if your eyes become myopic. Having eye problems should not be ignored and taken lightly because it can interfere with daily activities.


Dilansir dari p2ptm.kemkes.go.id, masalah seperti mata minus tidak dapat disembuhkan tetapi hanya dapat dicegah progresivitas atau perkembangannya dengan cara menjaga kesehatan mata. Berikut tips merawat kesehatan mata:

1. Makan-makanan yang sehat


Mengonsumsi makan-makanan sehat bukanlah rahasia umum lagi untuk dapan menjaga kesehatan tubuh bukan hanya untuk menjaga mata saja. Makananan yang banyak mengandung vitamin A adalah salah satu cara untuk menjaga kesehatan mata seperti wortel, kuning telur, dan juga susu.

2. Avoid smoking

Avoiding smoking early on is the best thing to maintain health, one of which is eye health. As we know, smoking is very dangerous for health, including it can also affect eye health.

The impact of smoking on eye health is that it can increase the risk of cataracts, macular degeneration, and damage to the optic nerve which can cause blindness and damage the retina of the eye.

3. Wear sunglasses with UV protector

Eyes that are too often exposed to ultraviolet light have a risk of developing cataracts, macular degeneration, corneal burns, and even eye cancer. It is not only the skin that must be protected but the eyes also need to be protected. That’s why the rays of the sun can interfere with eye health. The need for wearing such as sunglasses is very useful for eye protection from ultraviolet or UV rays.

4. Rest your eyes regularly

Resting the eyes is one of the important points that you must do. Especially if you have used your eyes to stare at the computer monitor screen or mobile phone screen for hours, or when you are reading a book.

Rest eye regularly is another way to maintain eye health and avoid the occurrence of myopic eyes. You can do this by pausing for a moment from the activity, then all you need to do is look at a distance.


Also read: Tips for Maintaining Eye Health

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