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4 Ways to Prevent Erectile Dysfunction All

KOMPAS.com – For men, dysfunction erection is a scary thing that can interfere with their quality of life.

The ability to develop and maintain an erection is largely regulated by sexual arousal, a complex process involving the brain, hormones, emotions, nerves, muscles, and blood vessels.

The age factor is a strong cause of erectile dysfunction. However, physical and psychological factors also play a role in triggering erectile dysfunction.

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The good news, erectile dysfunction can be prevented in an easy way. Here’s how to prevent erectile dysfunction:

1. Eat healthy food

Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fish has been shown to help reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction

Research that examined more than 21,000 people found that people who followed the Mediterranean diet had a lower risk of erectile dysfunction.

The Mediterranean diet is a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, and fish or other sources of long-chain fatty acids (types of omega-3 fatty acids), and avoids red and processed meats.

2. Exercise routine

Exercise lowers blood pressure and blood sugar, improves blood circulation throughout the body, and improves heart health.

Regular exercise is also a natural way to increase testosterone levels.

You don’t need to do too much exercise to reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction.

You can start by doing light exercise.

3. Balance blood pressure

High blood pressure can damage blood vessels, reducing blood flow throughout the body, including the penis.

Hardened and narrowed blood vessels make it difficult for blood to flow to the penis, making it harder for you to get an erection.

High blood pressure will block blood flow to the stage and make it difficult for you to get or maintain an erection.

If you have been diagnosed with self-pressure, you should regularly take medication to prevent erectile dysfunction and improve overall body health.

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4. Avoid high cholesterol

High cholesterol can also trigger erectile dysfunction. Because, high cholesterol can cause atherosclerosis, a condition that hardens and narrows the walls of blood vessels.

Atherosclerosis reduces blood flow throughout the body, including the penis. Hardened and narrowed blood vessels make it difficult for blood to flow to the penis before sexual intercourse.

To avoid cholesterol, you must eat healthy foods, exercise regularly, and take cholesterol-lowering drugs that have been prescribed by your doctor.

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