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4 ways to get rid of these blackheads using natural ingredients, lo

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. You can get rid of blackheads in various ways. Starting from using products sold in the market to using beauty salon services. In addition, you can also use natural ingredients, lo.

However, don’t forget to do a test first, okay? You need to see if your skin is allergic to certain natural ingredients or not. If no allergic reaction appears, you can continue using natural ingredients.

Some of these natural ingredients you can make your choice. However, there is nothing wrong with consulting a doctor first. From the results of the consultation, you can get what ingredients are really suitable for your skin type.

Lemon, Brown Sugar, Madu

Some natural ingredients that are effective in removing blackheads are lemon, brown sugar, and honey. Quote from Reader’s Digest (readersdigest.ca)The combination of natural ingredients acts as an exfoliator that cleans blackheads and other impurities that clog pores.

The method is quite easy. First, mix 1 tablespoon brown sugar, 1 tablespoon honey, and 2 tablespoons lemon juice. After mixing well, rub it on the skin in a circular motion for five minutes. Then, rinse with water and continue using your usual moisturizer.

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Coconut Oil and Sugar

The next way to get rid of blackheads that you can try is to use coconut oil and sugar. Besides being used to eradicate blackheads on facial skin, the combination of coconut oil and sugar is also effective in cleaning dead skin cells in other parts of the body.

Egg whites

The next natural ingredient that you can use to clean blackheads on the skin is egg white. First, apply the beaten egg white on the skin. Place a tissue on top of the layer and then apply the egg white again. Let stand for 20 minutes then pull the mask.

Also Read: Effective, here are 3 ways to get rid of blackheads naturally

Green tea

If you’re looking for a way to get rid of blackheads, there’s nothing wrong with choosing green tea. Launching Reader’s Digest, green tea contains many antioxidants and can reduce oil production in the skin.

First, mix 1 tsp of green tea with 1 tsp of water. Apply the mixture on the blackhead-infested skin. Let stand for three minutes then rinse with water. You can do this step two to three times a week.

Editor: Belladina Biananda

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