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4 Ways to Eat and Drink to Boost Metabolism and Burn Fat in Autumn

[Chinese Health Network Article / 39 Health Network]The weather is getting colder in autumn, do you feel that it is not easy to lose weight? Because, when the weather is cold, the metabolic rate of the human body will gradually drop, and fat will accumulate more easily, making it more and more difficult to lose weight. Don’t be afraid! Learn 4 ways to eat and drink, which can help improve metabolism in the body and help burn fat!

Appetite is good in autumn, but weight loss is getting more and more difficult? 4 types of food to promote metabolism and burn fat

In order to prevent fat from accumulating more and more and improve the body’s metabolism, we must start from many aspects, not only exercise, but also eat a balanced diet, comprehensively supplement the nutrients needed by the body, develop good living habits, and let fat go nowhere can escape.

As the weather turns from hot to cool in autumn, the human body’s physiological metabolism also changes in order to adapt to this change. Pay special attention not to be too raw or cold in the diet, so as not to cause gastrointestinal indigestion. Also, don’t overeat. Due to the pleasant weather and abundant food in autumn, people tend to eat too much. Excessive intake of calories will be converted into fat and accumulate, making people fat. In the autumn diet, we should pay attention to the right amount, but not indulge our appetite and eat and drink too much.

In autumn, you should eat more vegetables and fruits, such as winter melon, radish, zucchini, eggplant, green leafy vegetables, apples, bananas, etc. It is still necessary to pay attention to a balanced diet and maintain the intake of various nutrients needed by the body, including protein, fat, sugar, inorganic salts and vitamins, etc., with a complete range, sufficient quantity and appropriate proportion.

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【Class 1/Protein】

Protein is conducive to the discharge of salt and water in the human body, thereby eliminating edema. The digestion time of protein is longer, giving people a long-lasting feeling of fullness, and it is not easy to feel hungry. Protein can inhibit the secretion of hormones that promote fat formation and reduce the production of fat. The most important thing is that protein will not be stored in the body as heat energy that cannot disappear, and 30% of it will be consumed due to the rise in body temperature.

how to add protein

For people who do not exercise, it is enough to consume 0.8 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of body weight per day, while those who exercise or are bodybuilding enthusiasts need to add more protein. Generally, morning and evening are the best time to supplement protein, and within 90 minutes after exercise is also the best time to supplement protein.

When supplementing protein foods, we need to be careful not to consume too much fat. From a dietary point of view, the most ideal protein foods are soybeans, eggs, milk, fish and lean meat foods. Lean meat foods are high-protein foods, and eating too much can easily cause fat accumulation, so eat them in moderation.

In the process of ingesting protein foods, we must understand that although soybeans have the highest protein content, the digestibility of protein is low. If it is a variety of soy products, the digestibility of protein will increase, such as soy milk and tofu. Drinking soy milk every day can get high digestibility protein.

Drinking soy milk every day can get high digestibility protein.

【Type 2/Supplementary natural spicy food】

Spicy food contains capsaicin, which can speed up the conversion of substances, and accelerate the burning and destruction of fat in body tissues. This is because capsaicin increases body tissue temperature and increases heart rate. It increases the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, helps digest food more easily, and increases blood flow to the stomach. Natural spiciness is more nutritious and helps to lose weight.

How to Supplement Naturally Spicy Foods

Spicy foods are mostly seasonings in the three meals, such as onion, ginger, garlic, pepper, pepper, chili, aniseed, tangerine peel, mustard, etc. In addition, there are green radishes.

1. Chili

Pepper, the guy you love and hate, makes you sweat but you can’t stop. Its exquisite body is wrapped with a burning fire, and it is the most passionate and passionate character among vegetables. Now, the naughty one has another reason you can’t refuse, which is to burn fat and slim your body! Putting a proper amount of chili seasoning in the dishes will help the body sweat more.

Putting a proper amount of chili seasoning in the dishes will help the body sweat more.

2. Ginger

Many female friends drink some ginger syrup during menstruation, because ginger has the effect of warming the palace. In fact, the spicy ginger also has the effect of speeding up the metabolism. According to a study published in the International Journal of Obesity, ginger can make experimental animals consume more calories and help lose weight. Squeezing ginger juice, taking a bath or drinking ginger tea can all play a certain role in assisting weight loss.

3. Garlic

Garlic, which many people dare not get close to in daily life, actually has a good weight loss effect. Because garlic is also a positive food, it can increase metabolism, and it also has the effects of diuresis and blood pressure. Garlic can be made into juice and soaked in tea to drink, or garlic, rice and ginger can be used to cook porridge and drink. If you are afraid that your mouth will stink after eating garlic, you can put some tea leaves in your mouth and chew for a while, and the taste will disappear naturally.

4. Mustard

Mustard mustard when eating seafood and sushi will not only make you cry, but also has the magical effect of slowing down the growth of adipose tissue. The ways to eat mustard are simple and diverse. You can use green tea powder and wasabi powder to soak in water, or add mustard to salads. They are all good choices.

【Category 3/Supplementary foods containing iron】

Although iron does not directly accelerate the detoxification of the stomach and intestines like dietary fiber, it is super important for maintaining the speed of metabolism. If there is insufficient iron in the body, the body cells will not be able to obtain enough oxygen, thereby reducing metabolism.

How to Supplement Iron-Containing Foods

Meat is a treasure trove of iron. Meat contains heme iron, which is the most easily absorbed iron, and can be directly used to synthesize hemoglobin in the human body! The redder the meat, the more hemoglobin it contains. Liver, heart, kidney, and red lean meat are all good things to enrich blood.

In fact, meat does not necessarily have to be high in fat. For example, beef with sauce is very low in fat but contains a lot of iron; silky chicken is a food rich in trace elements and extremely low in fat. Eat more fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C. Such as tomato, citrus, kiwi fruit, etc., are conducive to the absorption of iron.

【Category 4/Foods supplemented with vitamin B group】

B1, B2, B6, and B12 in the vitamin B group can promote the metabolism of fat, protein, and sugar, and have the effect of burning fat and avoiding fat accumulation. The main sources of these vitamins are whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and egg milk.

How to Supplement Foods Containing Vitamin B Complex

1. Foods rich in vitamin B1: wheat germ, pork leg, soybean, peanut, muscle ham, black rice, chicken liver, germ rice, etc.

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2. Foods rich in vitamin B2: eel, beef liver, chicken liver, shiitake mushrooms, wheat germ, eggs, cheese, etc.

3. Foods containing vitamin B6, vitamin B12, niacin, pantothenic acid and folic acid: liver, meat, milk, yeast, fish, beans, egg yolk, nuts, spinach, cheese, etc.

Source: 39 Health Network www.39.net

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【Extended reading】

Hormone imbalance, obesity follows!Physician Wu Mingzhu: You must eat 4 yellow foods to supplement hormones

Get rid of belly fat by fasting? 5 foods to help burn belly fat

Eating is cooler than not eating, watermelon is not the only way to cool off!Nutritionist Zhang Yizhen reveals: 8 must-eat cool foods

Source: Chinese Health Network
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2023-09-08 04:03:12

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