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4 Types of Nuts that are Heart Friendly and Can Lower Cholesterol

JAKARTA – Nuts are usually processed in the form of various dishes. From savory to sweet dishes.

There are many types of nuts that you can consume and they all contain a variety of benefit different for the body. The myth that nuts can make high cholesterol turns out to be false.

There are several types peanut has benefits for heart health and can reduce cholesterol.

Various studies say nuts are a heart-healthy food and when it comes to cholesterol control, nuts are your best choice.

Nuts are also high in calories. So, you have to limit yourself when consuming it.

The following is an explanation, as quoted by Thehealthsite page.

1. Almond

Kacang Almond (Pixabay)

Many studies claim adding almonds to your diet can lower LDL cholesterol or bad cholesterol.

It is LDL or bad cholesterol that is involved in the creation of plaque in your coronary arteries and increases your risk of heart attack.

Almonds lower LDL cholesterol systemically. So, by increasing the amount of almonds you eat, you can lower your LDL.

Clinical studies show almonds can also reduce the risk of insulin resistance and diabetes.

These nuts also help in weight management as some of them make you full.

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