Supriyanto | October 13, 2024 | 23:59 WIB
TABLOIDBINTANG.COM – The weather has changed rapidly recently, leading to health problems and irregular sleeping patterns. Therefore, in addition to maintaining your eating habits and exercise sessions, you must take care of your mental and psychological health to promote brain development and plan a path for a healthy life. Here are 5 snacks to improve your memory and mental health.
1. Blueberry
Blueberries are a rich source of fiber. They are one of the best immunity boosters and a great chewable to improve your memory. Blueberries are gluten free and improve brain function.
Pumpkin seeds are a super food rich in protein and fiber. This precious mineral is powerful enough to optimize thinking and memory abilities. Pumpkin seeds are a powerhouse of stress-relieving elements and the perfect memory-boosting snack.
Dark chocolate is an amazing food. It is one of the foods that reduce weight, affect depression and improve memory. This craze for eating healthier dark chocolate is the joy of life.
4. Nuts
If you want to increase your concentration level, dry fruits do not fit it like nuts. Eating walnuts daily can improve your memory and mental health. Also prevents inflammation. Now you can be smarter just by eating walnuts.
2024-10-13 16:59:00
#snacks #improve #memory