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4 requirements to obtain it, questions from January, the amounts- Corriere.it

The single allowance, which will replace tax deductions and allowances to the family unit, will arrive on Thursday morning in the Council of Ministers. According to the draft of the implementing decree, expected to be released the new help for families with children, the amount for each even minor child to 175 euros per month, in full measure for an ISEE equal to or less than 15,000 euros. For higher ISEE levels, it gradually decreases until it reaches a value of 50 euros corresponding to a It costs about 40,000 euros. For ISEE levels above 40,000 euros, the amount remains constant.

From pregnancy to 21 years of age

The support starts from pregnancy (seventh month of gestation) and reaches up to 21 years of age, if the child is studying or unemployed or even a worker with an income of less than 8,000 euros per year.

The amounts for adult children (up to 21 years)

For each adult child up to the age of twenty-one, an amount of 85 euros per month is foreseen. This amount is fully due for an ISEE equal to or less than 15,000 euros. For higher ISEE levels, it gradually decreases until it reaches a value equal to 25 euros in correspondence with an ISEE equal to 40,000 euros. For ISEE levels above 40,000 euros, the amount remains constant.

The allowance for large families: 85 euros more per child from the second

For each child following the second, an increase of the amount equal to 85 euros per month is foreseen. This amount is fully due for an ISEE equal to or less than 15,000 euros. For higher ISEE levels, it gradually decreases until it reaches a value equal to 15 euros in correspondence with an ISEE equal to 40,000 euros. For ISEE levels above 40,000 euros, the amount remains constant.
From the year 2022, a recognized flat-rate surcharge for families with four or more children, equal to 100 euros per month per unit.

Applications (electronically) from January 2022 to INPS

The application must be submitted starting from January 1st of each year and refers to the period between March of the year in which the application is submitted and February of the following year.
The application submitted electronically to the INPS or to the patronage institutes, according to the methods indicated by the INPS on its institutional website within 20 days of the publication of the decree.

The four requirements for obtaining the universal allowance

I am there are four requirements to apply for the single check, as stated in the draft of the implementing decree of the new measure for families with children that will be in the CDM on Thursday.
The first that the applicant are an Italian citizen or a citizen of the European Union, or his / her family member, holder of the right of residence or of the right of permanent residence, or is a citizen of a State not belonging to the European Union in possession of an EU residence permit for long-term residents or is the holder of a single authorized work permit to carry out a work activity for a period exceeding six months or is a holder of a residence permit for research reasons authorized to reside in Italy for a period exceeding six months.
These other three requirements are that the applicant is subject to the payment of theincome tax in Italy; is resident and domiciled in Italy; either or it was resident in Italy for at least two years, even if not continuous, or is the holder of an open-ended or fixed-term employment contract with a duration of at least six months.

Single check also for foreigners, minimum 2 years residency

The Single Check will therefore also reach non-EU citizens with a residence permit, work permit or research permit for more than six months. The requisites also include joint residence in Italy for at least two years, even if not continuous, or the ownership of an open-ended or fixed-term employment contract lasting at least six months. The requirements also include domicile and payment of taxes in Italy.

Single allowance for disabled children even over 21 years of age

For disabled children, the aid is also recognized beyond the age limit of 21. For each child with a minor disability, an increase is foreseen, on the basis of the condition of disability as defined for Isee purposes, of the identified amounts equal to 105 euros per month in case of non self-sufficiency, 95 euros per month in case of serious disability and 85 euros per month in case of average disability. We read in the draft of the legislative decree (legislative decree) on the single check. For each child with disability of age up to the age of twenty-one there is an increase in the amount of 50 euros per month. For each child with a dependent disability aged 21 or over there is an allowance of 85 euros per month. This amount is fully due for an ISEE equal to or less than 15,000 euros. For higher ISEE levels, it gradually decreases until it reaches a value equal to 25 euros in correspondence with an ISEE equal to 40,000 euros. For ISEE levels above 40,000 euros, the amount remains constant.

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