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4 mistakes we often make when ordering wine at a restaurant

Wine is a drink that enhances the enjoyment of any meal. However, when we choose a wine in a restaurant, we often make different mistakes that could ruin the overall look of the food. In this article, we’ll summarize the four most common mistakes and give you tips on how to avoid them.

1. We do not use the knowledge of the sommelier

A sommelier is a wine expert and is responsible for choosing the most suitable wine for a particular meal and the taste of the customer. If the restaurant has a sommelier, make sure you take advantage of this opportunity! Tell us about your taste buds and what kind of food you ordered. Not only does the sommelier recommend the wine, but he will also tell you about its characteristics and why it goes well with the food you have chosen.

2. We choose the wine according to the label

A beautiful label and a high price do not mean that the wine will be tasty. When choosing a wine, it is best to focus on origin, variety and producer. If you like a wine, ask the sommelier about its characteristics and your previous experience with similar wines.

3. We order the most expensive wine

Many believe that the most expensive wine is also the best. However, this is not always the case. There are many good wines at reasonable prices. When choosing a wine, it is better to focus on how well it complements your food than on its price.

4. Fear of experimentation

If you always order the same wine, you will never get new tastes. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try different wines! Tell the sommelier about your taste preferences and ask him to recommend something new. You might just find your new favorite wine!

Tips for choosing wine in a restaurant:

  • Choose your wine after your meal: order your food first and only then choose your wine. This way you will be able to choose the wine that matches the taste of your food.
  • Don’t fall for every suggestion: If the sommelier tries to push you on an expensive wine, don’t be shy about refusing. You can ask him to recommend a wine in a certain price category.
  • Learn about wine regions: Explore different wine regions and their characteristics. In this way, you will be able to better navigate the world of wine and choose the one that suits you best.
  • Don’t worry if you don’t know the answer: If you don’t know which wine to choose, don’t be shy to ask the sommelier. He will be happy to help you.

2024-09-28 03:42:08
#mistakes #ordering #wine #restaurant

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