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4 Magical Ways to Lower Bad Cholesterol Without Drugs and Easily


There is a magical way of lowering bad cholesterol. This method is drug free and easy to do. Some experts recommend eating a certain amount of food. Photo/Medical News Today

JAKARTA – There is a magic way lowers cholesterol bad. This way without drug and easy to do. Some experts recommend consuming a certain amount of healthy food and balanced.

According to dietitians, these foods are believed to help lower blood sugar levels cholesterol which soared. Interestingly, these foods are also easy to get even in your kitchen. So how do you lower bad cholesterol?

Here’s a magical way to lower bad cholesterol as reported by Eat This, Friday (7/1/2022).

Also Read: Smelly Feet Symptoms of High Cholesterol to Watch Out for

1. Include Strawberries in Your Diet

If you want to lower cholesterol, strawberries can be the right choice to be consumed with yogurt, salad, or just as a snack. The antioxidants, fiber and phytochemicals in strawberries have been shown to reduce total cholesterol levels and eating at least 1.5 cups of strawberries per week is associated with a 34% reduced risk of heart attack.

2. Drink Orange Juice

4 Magical Ways to Lower Bad Cholesterol Without Drugs and Easily– – .

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