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4 large groups of people with irreversible kidney damage should monitor kidney function – Instant News – Free Health Network


The nutritionist recalled that the 4 main groups, including those with three effects, smoking, obesity or long-term use of painkillers, should pay attention to kidney problems; the image shows a situational photo. (Photo taken by shutterstock)

[Health Channel/Rapporto completo]The kidney is an important organ that helps us metabolize waste, and unlike the liver, which can regenerate itself as long as the kidney is damaged, it is irreversible. In this regard, nutritionist Lin Licen posted on her Facebook fan page “The little world of Lin Licen“The article recalled that the three high groups (high blood pressure, high blood lipids and high cholesterol), smokers, obese people, and people who have been taking painkillers for a long time should be concerned about kidney problems.

Three high ethnic groups

Lin Licen pointed out that the risk of kidney disease is almost 4 times that of the average person. If you have high blood pressure, high blood sugar or high blood lipids, the load on the kidneys will increase, which will lead to increased pressure on the kidneys, which is called “high kidney pressure”. The kidneys are filled with many small blood vessels. For example, the maintenance of blood vessels is closely related to the maintenance of kidney function. For example, in patients with high blood pressure, if the control is not good, it will affect kidney function, which can also be termed hypertension and chronic kidney disease are siblings and affect each other.

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Smoking not only affects the lungs, but the carcinogens and free radicals produced by smoking damage the kidney structure, leading to “elevated kidney pressure” and even proteinuria, commonly known as “bubbly urine,” so it is best to quit smoking.

overweight, obese

A normal adult (over 19 years of age) with a BMI value of 18.5-24 is within the normal range, while a BMI ≥ 24 is overweight; a BMI ≥ 27 is obese, and is best evaluated together with the body fat ratio. Whether overweight or obese, the metabolic load on the kidneys will increase, so it is recommended that you actively control your body weight and body fat.

long-term pain relievers

Chronic pain patients who take “non-steroidal anti-inflammatory painkillers” for a long time can cause kidney damage and even lead to acute kidney injury. Kidney function should be monitored regularly.

In addition to reminding the four groups above to monitor their kidney function regularly, Lin Licen added that for eligible Chinese, the National Health Administration provides a free health check program, including “free kidney function screening”. and you can ask any hospital doctor near your home who is not cooperating.

● Age 40-64 and have a free kidney function screening every 3 years.

● If you are over 65, you will receive a free kidney function screening once a year.

● Aborigines over the age of 55, those with polio and over 35 have free kidney function screening once a year.

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