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4 home remedies to repel mosquitoes

Long, warm summer nights invite you to have a barbecue and sit outside. If it weren’t for the little pests that appear more frequently in the evenings and leave itchy mosquito bites. And the buzzing in the bedroom can also cause sleepless nights.

Fortunately, there are some ways to get rid of mosquitoes – without using chemicals. Here are the best home remedies against mosquitoesthat are guaranteed to be effective.

Interesting facts about mosquitoes

  1. Even though this myth persists, mosquitoes are not attracted to light. Even when the light is turned off, mosquitoes are attracted to an open window.
  2. Mosquitoes are attracted by heat, body odors such as sweat, and the carbon dioxide that people exhale.
  3. Different species of mosquitoes are active at different times of the day. Some are active during the day or at night, but they are usually particularly active at dusk.
  4. Male mosquitoes do not suck blood, but feed on plant sap, for example. Only pregnant females bite humans, as they need the nutrients to form eggs.
  5. Mosquitoes can transmit pathogens such as viruses if they have previously been infected with them themselves by biting an infected host.
  6. Also a myth: women are not stung more often than men.
  7. When mosquitoes have the choice between different people, they definitely have preferences. This is because everyone has a different composition of blood and therefore smells and tastes different to mosquitoes.
  8. Mosquitoes do not respond to ultrasound, so it does not help repel mosquitoes.

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What types of mosquitoes are there in our area?

There are around 50 different species of mosquitoes living in our latitudes, but only about 12 of them bite humans. The most well-known native mosquitoes here include the large house mosquito and the common mosquito.

Due to globalization, however, new species of mosquitoes and their eggs are being brought to Europe from other continents with imported goods. These can be more dangerous than our usual house mosquitoes, as their bites not only cause itching, but can also transmit diseases. Tiger mosquito, yellow fever mosquito or Asian bush mosquito can now also be found in Europe.

The best home remedies against mosquitoes

1. Home remedies to repel mosquitoes: Strong scents like lemon against mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are very sensitive to smells. While they are attracted to the smell of sweat or floral and sweet scents, the right smells can keep mosquitoes away. Lemon or lavender, for example, can help against mosquitoes. The following scents can repel mosquitoes, for example in the form of essential oils, scented candles or dried branches:

  1. Bergamot
  2. Eucalyptus
  3. Ground coffee
  4. Lavender
  5. clove
  6. sage
  7. sandalwood
  8. Teebaumöl
  9. Cedar
  10. Cinnamon
  11. Lemon or citronella

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2. Home remedies to repel mosquitoes: Plants like lavender against mosquitoes

In addition to essential oils or scented candles, normal plants can also help against mosquitoes. Simply place them on your balcony, terrace or windowsill. These plants are said to repel mosquitoes:

  1. Basil
  2. Bergamot
  3. Bay laurel
  4. Catnip
  5. Lavender
  6. Geraniums
  7. peppermint
  8. sage
  9. Tomato plants
  10. Walnussbaum
  11. Lemongrass
  12. Lemon balm

Also read: Hardy balcony plants: Twelve evergreen plants

3. Home remedy against mosquitoes for rubbing: coconut oil

Since mosquitoes are sensitive to certain smells, they can help to drive away the vermin. Instead of using an anti-mosquito spray, you can simply use natural coconut oil and rub it into your skin. Not only does it smell pleasantly summery, it also nourishes the skin and provides it with moisture. A nice side effect: mosquitoes don’t like the smell at all and can be driven away with this home remedy.

Tipp: To enhance the effect, you can mix a drop of essential oil, such as tea tree oil or peppermint, into the coconut oil.

4. Garlic as a home remedy against mosquitoes

Since mosquitoes don’t like the smell of garlic, it is advisable to season your food with garlic in the summer. After eating, the smell evaporates through our skin and can repel mosquitoes.

Home remedies for mosquitoes outside in the garden

  1. Avoid water sources on the balcony or in the garden, as this is where mosquitoes lay their eggs. Therefore, cover rain barrels and regularly empty and wash bowls, watering cans, etc.
  2. It is best to shower before sitting outside, because mosquitoes are attracted by
  3. Attracted by the smell of sweat.
  4. Avoid sweet, flowery shampoos, shower gels or perfumes as they attract mosquitoes.
  5. Wear long, loose and light-colored clothing to keep mosquitoes away. Mosquitoes can bite through tight-fitting fabrics.
  6. Fragrant herbs and plants against mosquitoes can help keep the insects away. For example, place basil, lavender, peppermint, sage or a tomato plant directly next to your seating.
  7. Coffee against mosquitoes: Light some coffee powder in a fireproof bowl, this can also drive away mosquitoes. Incense mixtures or incense sticks also drive away mosquitoes, because the insects don’t like smoke. The same thing works with a little dried sage, for example.
  8. A bowl of vinegar can also drive away mosquitoes. Place it on the windowsill or in front of the balcony door.

Home remedies for mosquitoes in the home

  1. Keep mosquitoes out of your home by installing fly screens on your windows.
  2. Mosquito nets over the bed also help effectively keep mosquitoes away.
  3. Fans can also keep mosquitoes away because the draft of air ensures, among other things, that the mosquitoes can no longer determine where, for example, body odors come from.
  4. Fragrance lamps and aroma diffusers can help to use essential oils against mosquitoes. Lavender, cedar, eucalyptus or citronella help against mosquitoes.
  5. A home remedy against mosquitoes that smells good is a sliced ​​lemon studded with cloves. You can simply place this in the bedroom. It will keep mosquitoes away.
  6. Plants such as lavender, lemon balm, etc. can be placed on the windowsill to repel mosquitoes.

Also read: Plants for the bedroom: The top 12 for better sleep

Chemical mosquito repellent

If there is a real mosquito plague, home remedies can reach their limits. The situation is similar if you are on holiday in countries where mosquitoes can transmit diseases such as malaria and the like. In this case, it is advisable to use chemical mosquito repellents to be well protected.

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