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4 happiness hormones in the body … Learn the ways to produce them

1:02 PM

Wednesday 03 February 2021

I wrote – Hind Khalifa

Happiness is a state of mind, shaped by a group of feelings that differ from one person to another, and scientifically, it is just a bodily function that occurs when certain hormones are released in the body, as there are four happy hormones in each person’s body that can give him a boost and make him feel better.

There are several ways in which you can stimulate the four hormones responsible for creating feelings of happiness, reported by Timesnownews.

1 dopamine

Dopamine is also called the chemical reward substance, as the name suggests, dopamine is released when the brain receives the signal that you have done an action or task that needs to be rewarded, here are some ways you can get your body to produce dopamine.

– Complete a task and acknowledge it.

– Practice self-care like skin care, pamper session, massage etc.

Eat good, healthy food.

Celebrating small wins and achievements.

2 Oxytocin

Oxytocin is also called the love hormone, and it is one of the most popular hormones of happiness, produced through expressions of love and affection, and these include:

– Playing with a dog.

– Play with a child.

– hand by hand.


Hugging your family and friends.

Giving or receiving compliments.

3 Serotonin

Serotonin is called the mood stabilizing hormone. On days when you don’t feel your best but you don’t have a specific reason not to feel this way, you may need to increase serotonin. This hormone can be produced through activities that help calm you:

– Meditation

– Exercise

Enjoy the sunshine and walk in nature.

4 endorphins

It is called a pain reliever hormone, they help deal with physical and emotional pain, and it helps endorphins deal with any type of pain better, and includes activities that can help produce endorphins.

– Playing sports.

Watch a comedy movie.

Laughter Exercise.

Eat dark chocolate.

– .

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