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4 habits to adopt for a healthy heart

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February is Heart Health Month, but it’s good to keep it all year long! For a “young” and healthy heart, here are some tips to slip into your daily life.

Say goodbye to tobacco

Unfortunately, the bad reputation of cigarettes is well established. Since exposure to second-hand smoke and smoking add to the risk of heart disease, it’s best to quit immediately!

Enhance the content of your plate

By including 7 to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables and whole grain, protein foods in your daily menu, you will reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. At the same time, consider reducing the salt, sugar and fat content of your dishes for a healthier diet.

Find the physical activity you like


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Regular, moderate-to-high intensity physical activity not only helps maintain a healthy weight, but also helps reduce your stress levels – great habits that promote good heart health.

Be on the lookout!

Stay in tune with your body. Remember that some warning signs for a heart attack do not lie. It is not normal to experience chest pain or discomfort, to have inopportune sweating, sudden dizziness or nausea. It is important to know that symptoms can differ between men and women. If necessary, consult a health expert.

In addition to healthy lifestyles, there are times when you need a medical boost. In Quebec, when it comes to good heart health, we often turn to experts from the University Institute of Cardiology and Pneumology of Quebec-Laval University (IUCPQ-UL).

An establishment to change everything


photo-credit">Farknot Architect – stock.adobe.com

The IUCPQ-UL is a university hospital center specializing in cardiology, pulmonology and obesity surgery, which currently serves more than 2 million Quebecers. It is the only hospital in the country to offer these three specialties under one roof!

The IUCPQ Foundation supports the mission of the Institute. Over the years, the organization has contributed more than $ 35 million by financing the purchase of specialized equipment and participating in the funding of research and education, to the greatest benefit of the population. central and eastern Quebec. It also supports the technological advances and medical innovations of the Institute in order to offer the best care to patients with the best technologies in addition to promoting healthy lifestyles.

A major asset in preventing cardiovascular disease is knowing how to recognize the main warning signs and symptoms of this type of discomfort. Remember that these signs can vary from person to person or by gender. Stay alert to the following symptoms and see immediately when one of them occurs:

  • Feel discomfort in the chest
  • Sudden sweating, dizziness or nausea
  • Being unusually short of breath
  • Feel discomfort in certain areas of the upper body

When we talk about healthy hearts, everyone is concerned. Visit the fondation-iucpq.org for more details.

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