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4 Habits That Make Weight Gain Fast

Jakarta – Sometimes, some habits that you do can also increase body weight, you are not aware of it every day. For that you must know what habits can cause weight to become easier to gain. The goal, so that you can reduce or even stop the habit to ensure a healthier body.

Everyone must keep their weight to stay normal to avoid obesity which can increase the risk disease dangerous. Reported from Healthline, here are some habits that can speed up the increase body weight.

1. Poor Sleep Management

One of the factors that can increase weight is poor sleep regulation. Some people may sleep too much or too little. Both can cause weight gain by interfering with the body’s production of hormones that are useful for controlling appetite and hunger. Poor timing also makes it difficult for you to find time for exercise.

2. Stress

Stress levels are one of the factors that can contribute to weight gain, especially waist circumference. Some people choose to eat to feel calmer in the face of stress. A higher appetite for fast food can lead to increased levels of fat in the stomach. This can lead to many lifestyle-related problems, such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and others.

3. Eating too fast

A person who has a habit of eating quickly can find it difficult to lose weight. When you eat fast, you feel a tendency to overeat, which can lead to obesity. This can make excess nutrients stored in the form of fat which eventually increases weight.

The best way to eat slower is while listening to music or watching television, so that the focus of the brain is disturbed and eating becomes slower. In addition, eating quickly is also known to cause many problems related to digestion, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, to the body that is difficult to satisfy or not easily full.

4. Sit all day

Your job may require you to always sit in a chair that makes your body move less. This makes it more difficult for you to lose weight. Some people may be accompanied by snacks while working to be more focused. Conditions that make weight gain continues to occur. Therefore, try to move your body every few hours for 10 minutes to prevent obesity. []

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