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4 Functions of the Trachea as a Human Respiratory Organ that You Need to Know

Trachea function as the respiratory system is very important for humans. The trachea is a respiratory organ that is shaped like a large tube. These organs include the lower respiratory organs such as the lungs, bronchi, bronchioles, and lungs alveolus.

According to the explanation in hellosehat.comThe trachea is about 11 cm long and 2.5 cm wide. located under the larynx and ends in the middle of the chest. Or rather behind the sternum and in front esophagus.

The trachea extends over 16-22 ring-shaped muscles and cartilage. This ring bone helps air in and out smoothly.

Then what is the function of the trachea in humans? Still quoting from hellosehat.com, here’s a full explanation.

Trachea Function in Humans

1. Brings air to the lungs

One of the main functions of the trachea is to be a link in the human respiratory system. Namely bringing air into the lungs when breathing. When air enters, the trachea will warm and humidify the air before it finally enters the lungs the lungs.

2. Repel foreign objects

The trachea is also useful as a repellent of foreign objects that enter the body when we inhale. In the walls of the trachea, there is mucus and cilia that are responsible for reducing foreign objects in the air, such as bacteria, mushrooms, and virus. Thus, the air that enters the lungs becomes cleaner.

3. Smoothen the digestive system

The function of the trachea in humans is also useful for smoothing the digestive system. The trachea provides space for the esophagus with flexible cartilage. So that the swallowing process becomes easier and smoother.

4. Launching a cough

Another function of the trachea in the human respiratory system is that it can help launch coughs. When we cough, the tracheal muscles contract. These contractions make it easier for air to escape when coughing.

If you look at the positive, coughing is sometimes necessary to clear the respiratory tract of mucus and other foreign particles.

Tracheal Function Disorders

We now know that the trachea has many functions for the body. But apparently, the function of the trachea can also be impaired due to medical problems. According to explanation hellosehat.comHere are some tracheal dysfunctions to watch out for.

1. Tracheal obstruction

The trachea can become blocked due to the presence of foreign objects that are accidentally inhaled, such as food, chemical substances, and so on. As a result, the flow of air into the trachea can be blocked and make breathing difficult.

2. Trachea infection

Other disorders of tracheal function are tracheal infection or also known as tracheitis. This infection is usually characterized by symptoms such as; cough, fever, difficulty breathing, until the breath sounds. Tracheal infections are generally caused by bacteria and usually occur in children.

3. Narrowing of the trachea

Other medical problems that also cause disturbances in the function of the trachea are narrowing of the trachea or stenosis. This condition occurs due to the presence of scar tissue that forms in the trachea.

Injured tissue usually occurs as a result of intubation or prolonged use of a breathing apparatus.

4. Tracheal fistula – esophagus (TEF)

TEF is a congenital condition that causes the trachea and esophagus to connect in a tube. As a result, food from the esophagus is at risk of entering the trachea and making the lungs aspirate.

5. Trakeomalasia

Tracheomalacia is a condition when the trachea is too soft so that its function becomes impaired. The soft trachea can cause difficulty breathing. Similar to TEF, tracheomalacia is also a genetic trait.

But for some cases, this condition can occur due to continuous infection and smoking habits.

6. Tracheal cancer

The most fatal health problem that occurs in the trachea is tracheal cancer. Symptoms of this problem are actually the same as other respiratory problems, namely coughing, shortness of breath, and wheezing. However, when the cough is accompanied by blood and difficulty swallowing, then you need to be aware of this disease.

To see disturbances in the function of the trachea, you need to carry out special tests carried out by a professional doctor. Some of the types of inspections that are usually carried out are:

  • Bronchoscopy (inserting a camera attached to a small tube into the trachea).
  • CT or MRI scan.
  • Chest X-ray.

Those are some things you need to know about the trachea, from its function to the type of examination of this respiratory organ. To maintain the function of the trachea, it would be nice if we apply a healthy lifestyle, including avoiding smoking. And do not hesitate to consult a doctor, if you feel symptoms in the respiratory system to prevent more serious health problems.

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