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4 fruits you should eat daily

People who included flavonoid-rich fruits in their daily diet were less likely to gain weight. They also have other health benefits. That’s why you need to eat certain fruits every day.

According to a study at Harvard, which collected data from more than 124,000 people over the age of 24, those who consumed more flavonoids had no problems with fattening and some even lost weight when they ate fruit in on a regular basis. Here are the best fruits!

The apples

Apples are one of the best daily food choices because they help control body weight. It seems that flavonic polymers in apples inhibit enzymes that break down simple sugars, which means that instead of promoting fat storage, it helps burn them.

Apples are also ideal fruits for maintaining immunity, but they also help with good digestion, due to their fiber content.


A good source of pectin, pears are rich in flavonoids and vitamins, which makes them suitable when you want to lose weight or to prevent type 2 diabetes. Studies have shown that pears favor weight loss more than other fruits.

A fresh pear provides almost a quarter of the daily fiber needs, which means that it provides benefits for the intestinal flora.

Find out on clicksanatate.ro what other fruits help you lose weight!

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