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4 Forbidden Diets for Breastfeeding Mothers

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

After give birth, many mothers are starting to think to restore their body condition with a diet. But be careful, remember that you also still have to breastfeed your little one.

Compared to diets that are not clear, what must be realized is that breastfeeding is also effective for losing weight after giving birth.

“Research shows that breastfeeding mothers lose weight more easily than non-breastfeeding mothers,” says Winda Ekayanti, Nutritionist, accredited dietitian, Australia.

“However, this method will only be effective for approximately the first 6-8 months of exclusive breastfeeding. So, during this process, you can use it to start returning your weight to its pre-pregnancy size.”

In addition, another study states that diet can also affect weight loss during breastfeeding. Many think that after giving birth and starting breastfeeding, they can eat any food to support their milk production. But in reality, you should not eat carelessly.

When breastfeeding, the body needs an additional 500 kcal in each meal. The addition of this caloric requirement is necessary for the production of breast milk.

Types of foods to help lose weight

In losing weight there are several types of foods that can affect its success. What kind of food?

The type of food that should be consumed should be high in protein and low in carbohydrates. The right foods can help you lose more weight while producing enough breast milk.

Serving a day, can be divided into three parts, Mother. Fill your plate with 50 percent vegetables, 25 percent complex carbohydrates and 25 percent protein.

While the source of fat is usually found in protein sources that have been through a cooking process, such as frying in oil. As an additional portion of the meal, we can consume 2 pieces of fruit or about 150 grams.

breastfeeding mother’s diet
“Breastfeeding mothers are not advised to go on a strict diet, reduce calories, or limit food to extremes before six months, assuming exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months,” he said.

“Although there is no research that says when you can start a weight loss diet when exclusively breastfeeding, the important thing is to keep your total calorie intake to no more than 2500 kcal per day.”

The following is a recommended diet for breastfeeding mothers. The addition of 500 kcal in a meal is equivalent to two servings of healthy snacks.

Even so, the portion of the meal must be balanced, which contains a source of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. This type of food can be obtained from the daily diet, such as meat, nuts, vegetables, and fruit.

Additional food portions of 500 kcal can be obtained from fruit which contains about 150 calories. The rest can come from yogurt or milk which can be consumed twice a day.



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