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4 foods that strengthen the immune system

There are foods that more than others are able to regulate our bacterial flora and help us strengthen the immune system. Let’s find out together.

Food (GettyImages)

A Proper nutrition, as everyone knows, it is of fundamental importance for the body to remain in good health. There are foods that more than others are able to collaborate in the proper functioning of ours immune system and the regulation of intestinal bacterial flora. They therefore prove to be excellent allies for the reinforcement of those who are ours natural defenses. Let’s find out together its properties and methods of recruitment.

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Immune system, four valid allies

immune system four natural antibiotic foods
Fruit (Getty Images)
  1. Green tea: it is an excellent antioxidant, therefore capable of slowing down the deterioration of cells (for this reason it is often said that it is a cure-all for the skin). It also contains catechin, a very useful substance for fighting viruses. Taking green tea is especially recommended in case of flu symptoms.
  2. Vitamin D: the sources of vitamin D are many, from eggs to fish (especially salmon). The same exposure to the sun generates in our body the natural production of vitamin D. A correct supply of vitamins is of fundamental importance for the regulation of the organism.
  3. The garlic: contains allicin, a substance with antibacterial properties. It is an excellent ally for fighting seasonal ailments such as coughs, colds or flu.
  4. The yogurt: it contains probiotics, bacteria useful for the body and capable of strengthening our immune system. The intake of probiotics can also take place through the typical “concentrated” formats.
natural antibiotics immune system
Vitamin D (photo from the web)

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