Early flu outbreaks are accelerating vaccination rates. Most of this year’s vaccine is a tetravalent vaccine that blocks four types of viruses, so it appears to be more effective.
He is Cho Dong-chan, a medical reporter.
The flu shot goes into effect two weeks after receiving it.
Since it is already in fashion, it is best to adapt within this month.
[김형진/독감백신 접종 : 2년간 코로나를 겪다 보니까 이렇게 이제 호흡기 질병에 대해서 예전보다 더 관심을 갖게 돼서 (접종했습니다.)]
If you have a severe egg allergy, talk to your doctor so you can get an egg-free vaccine.
[이영미/하나이비인후과병원 내과 전문의 : 하루, 이틀 정도는 너무 과격한 운동을 하시거나 술을 드시면 안 됩니다. 몸살이나 미열 같은 게 있다고 치면 타이레놀 같은 진통 소염제 복용하시면 되겠습니다.]
People aged 65 and over, aged 6 months to 13 years and those aged 50 to 64 who are eligible for medical benefits, as well as people with disabilities and residents of psychiatric institutions.
Influenza vaccines are divided into trivalent and tetravalent, which block three types of viruses, and the tetravalent is slightly more effective, but is about 10,000 won more expensive.
In Korea, most quadrivalent vaccines are provided, including this year’s free vaccinations.
Vaccination reduces the chance of getting the flu by about a third compared to people who don’t get vaccinated.
The effectiveness of prevention varies from year to year.
Out of about 200 flu viruses, the World Health Organization predicts that 4 of them will be epidemic and produces a vaccine, but if these predictions are wrong, the effectiveness will decrease.
However, severe cases can be prevented, reducing hospitalization and mortality.
The problem is that this effect decreases significantly in people over the age of 65.
Hence, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has for three years been recommending a high-dose vaccine that is four times higher in dose for people over the age of 65 and has been shown to be 24% more effective than the existing vaccine.
Our quarantine authorities are also discussing the introduction of high-dose vaccines for the elderly.
(Video coverage: Kim Won-bae, video editing: Nam Il, CG: Jo Soo-in, Jang Seong-beom)