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4 DIY recipes with only two ingredients each

If you want to do a hair rinse yourself, you can look forward to natural hair care – without any additives.

Types of hair conditioners

After shampooing, a rinse helps the hair again To give shine and it with To supply moisture. Many conditioners, however, contain synthetic ingredients that do no good to the hair in the long term. However, if you do a hair rinse yourself, you can naturally care for your hair in a healthy way and for the sake of the environment.

Even with homemade hair rinses, there are different types for different hair types. So there is Acid rinses, for example made from vinegar or lemon, or from medicinal plant extracts. Conditioners with an acidic pH value close flaky, brittle hair layers and thus help to give them more shine and better combability. In addition, silicone residues from synthetic shampoos can be removed. Rinses that are made with medicinal plants and water are so-called Water extracts. Care depends on the characteristics of the plant.


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Homemade hair conditioners: manufacture and application

Doing a rinse for the hair yourself is very easy and does not require any great tricks. The ingredients simply have to be mixed together and the conditioner then filled into small bottles. The homemade hair conditioner lasts at room temperature four days maximum.

The rinse is done after shampooing applied to damp hair, or poured over and depending on the conditioner rinsed out or left in. Wrap the hair in a towel and gently squeeze it out. Then they can be dried in the air or with a hair dryer.

The following four do-it-yourself hair conditioners are adapted to different hair types.

1. Make your own hair rinse with apple cider vinegar

A hair rinse with apple cider vinegar is especially for dry and brittle hair helpful and ensures more shine. An intensive vinegar rinse can also help flaky and oily scalp help. Only two ingredients are required:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 teaspoons of vinegar (for an intensive rinse: 2 tablespoons)
  • optional: 3-5 drops of an essential oil

The hair conditioner is applied after application not rinsed out. The strong smell of apple cider vinegar may seem a little daunting at first, but it evaporates relatively quickly due to evaporation when it dries. A vinegar rinse can also be used easy removal of nits in case of lice infestation help.

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2. Homemade hair rinse with lemon juice

A lemon rinse is for every hair type suitable, ensures more shine and helps for dry, brittle hair such as for dandruff and greasy scalp. With regular use, the self-made conditioner can help Lighten hair or weaken dark hair colors. These ingredients are needed:

  • 2-4 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice
  • 250 milliliters of water

After application, for example leave for five minutes and then rinse thoroughly with clear water. If you prefer it, you can leave the conditioner in it, and especially for lightening your hair go into the sun.

3. Hair rinse with fermented rice water

At loose, thin and broken hair with little volume fermented rice water can do that Promote hair growth and nourish the hair and scalp. This hair conditioner only needs two ingredients, but it also takes a little more time to prepare:

Place the cup of rice in a measuring cup and cover with cold water. Then stir briefly and pour through a sieve. Then put the rice back in the jar and cover with double the amount of water, i.e. about 2 cups. After stirring for Let stand for at least 30 minutes. Stir again. Drain off the cloudy and milky water and collect in a large glass. Incidentally, the rice can still be used for cooking. To Fermentation the rice water covered for at least 4-5 hours or let it stand longer, for example overnight. The next day, the rice water can then be used as a hair rinse and rinsed out of the hair after a short exposure.

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4. Make beer hair conditioner yourself

This homemade hair conditioner may not sound as appealing, but it gives the hair more shine and helps oily hair and hair loss. These two ingredients are needed:

  • 1 glass of beer (the type doesn’t matter)
  • 2 glasses of water

This hair conditioner is used after application not rinsed out. The smell of the beer-water mixture disappears after about an hour. Since alcohol can also have a drying effect, it is recommended for dry hair alcohol-free beer. Something Jojobaol can be added to the mixture for extra shine – however, if you are struggling with greasy hair, you should initially omit the oil from the homemade beer hair conditioner.

All four hair rinses are easy to make and do not contain any artificial additives.

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