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4 common diseases due to a lack of vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 deficiency is one of the most common cases in the world, with about 3 million cases recorded in America.

Vitamin “B12” is considered the most important nutrient needed by the human body, to ensure the survival and quality of the work of red blood cells, and the integrity of the function of the brain and nervous tissues. Among the most common diseases that result from its deficiency:

1- Forgetting and memory loss:
If you feel a permanent state of forgetfulness and a loss of remembering power, it is necessary to see a specialist and a blood test to see the level of vitamin “B12” in the body, and the lack of oxygen resulting from vitamin deficiency plays a large role in this.

2- Changes in vision impairment:
Patients with vitamin B12 deficiency may have vision problems including seeing spots or “flashes” in the field of vision, blurry vision, surrounding shadows and double vision, and while these issues are symptoms of many conditions and health problems, they are It can also be caused by a “B12” vitamin deficiency.

Although visual neuropathy is rare, it is a serious complication of vitamin deficiency as the optic nerve becomes weak, fragile, and damaged, leading to a loss of focus in vision.

3- Weight loss:

The effect of all the above factors, especially the loss of the function of gastric papillae in the tongue, and the lack of basis of taste, have led to a rise in the desire to eat and anorexia, which causes a dramatic decrease in weight without knowing the real reasons behind it.

Vitamin “B12” is a complex water-soluble vitamin required for red blood cell formation, cell metabolism, healthy nerve function, and DNA integrity. The US Food Organization recommends specific amounts for people of 2.4 micrograms per day for adults, and vitamin B12 can remain stored in the liver for several years. Signs of B12 deficiency begin to appear within a few months of insufficiency in the body.

4- Dora or dizziness:

Feeling dizzy without a reason can be an early warning sign of a “B12” deficiency and most people notice these symptoms especially when sitting very quickly, or when going up a stairs, often the reason for dizziness is explained by a major deficiency and deficiency in the vitamin especially in the elderly.

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