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4 causes of itchy discharge, one of which occurs infection

JAKARTA, celebrities.id – Reason whiteness itching is more and more sought after by women. In addition to making it uncomfortable, of course this condition occurs accompanied by various other symptoms that can be a sign of disease in the vaginal area.

Vaginal discharge can occur because the walls of the vagina and cervix have glands that produce fluids or lubricants. This fluid is produced as a form of defense of a woman’s body to maintain the health of her intimate organs.

Vaginal discharge is generally white, odorless and does not itch or sting. However, when vaginal discharge is abnormal, you need to be careful because it can be a sign of certain diseases.

Launching various sources, here are four: causes of itchy dischargeSaturday (23/7/2022).

1. Infection vaginal bacteria

This infection can occur when there are more bad bacteria than good bacteria in the vaginal area. This is usually caused by many things, such as changing sex partners, frequently cleaning the vagina with douching or using feminine soap and not maintaining the cleanliness of the intimate organs.

When exposed to a vaginal bacterial infection, it is not only an itchy vaginal discharge that is felt but a burning sensation when urinating, the vaginal discharge has a pungent odor and is gray or green in color. But apparently not all women experience these symptoms. There are times when the infection is not noticed at all at the beginning because there are no visible symptoms.

2. Trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis infection is caused by protozoa (single-celled organisms) that are transmitted through unprotected sex either anal, vaginal, or oral. You can catch trichomoniasis if your partner has the disease without realizing it.

In women, trichomoniasis can cause a foul-smelling vaginal discharge that is white, gray, yellowish, or green in color. In addition, vaginal discharge also makes the vagina itchy.

The risk of transmission increases if you have multiple sex partners, have never used condoms during sex, have a history of certain infectious infections and have had trichomoniasis in the past.

3. Fungal Infection

A yeast infection in the vagina can cause a change in vaginal discharge. Generally, the vagina normally has a fungus or yeast which generally will not cause health problems.

But when the fungus grows uncontrollably, you are at risk of experiencing a yeast infection or vaginal yeast (candidiasis). This condition is usually triggered by various things, such as taking antibiotics, being pregnant, having chronic diabetes, eating sugary foods, stress and lack of sleep. Vaginal yeast infections are characterized by symptoms such as gray or white vaginal discharge, swollen and red vaginal area, burning and pain when urinating and pain during sex.

4. Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea or gonorrhea is a disease that causes infections of the genitals, rectum, and throat. These infections are among the most common in young people aged 15 to 24 years.

If you have thought that gonorrhea is a disease that only affects men, you are wrong. This condition can also attack women through vaginal, anal, and oral sex.

In women, itchy vaginal discharge is one of the symptoms that indicate the presence of this disease. In addition, other symptoms that usually appear include pain and burning when urinating, excessive vaginal discharge and blood spots appear between menstrual cycles.

Editor : Endang Oktaviyanti

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