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4 benefits of lemongrass for health and beauty

Jakarta, MELemongrass in addition to being a cooking spice to flavor dishes, it also has many benefits. Lemongrass can also be used as an insect repellent and aromatherapy to freshen the air.

The following is a discussion of the benefits of lemongrass for health and beauty:

1. Good for digestion

A study in the Journal of Young Pharmacists in 2012 showed that lemongrass is effective against peptic ulcers. This is because lemongrass essential oil can help protect the stomach lining from damage caused by aspirin and ethanol.

2. Check your blood pressure

Consuming lemongrass tea is known to help control blood pressure to stay normal. However, avoid consuming excess lemongrass, as for some people it risks lowering the heart rate.

3. Lower cholesterol

The next health benefit of lemongrass is the lowering of high cholesterol. Lemongrass leaves and roots have anti-hyperlipidemic and anti-hypercholesterolemic properties that help produce healthy cholesterol levels.

Research has shown that regular consumption of lemongrass tea has shown significant results in maintaining triglyceride levels and reducing bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body.

4. Relieves skin rashes

Lemongrass is known for its amazing anti-inflammatory properties, so it works effectively to soothe irritated skin. Mainly caused by the dry weather in summer and winter.

Lemongrass can work as an antiseptic and is effective in treating skin diseases due to infections such as ringworm, wounds and scabies because it contains antimicrobial properties that can eradicate fungi on the body.

Applying a moisturizer or body lotion containing lemongrass essence provides soft, smooth and hydrated skin.

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