Home » today » News » 4.7 million won second-hand sales, touted for 28.8 million won… Anger explosion’bait for sale’

4.7 million won second-hand sales, touted for 28.8 million won… Anger explosion’bait for sale’

picture explanationThe chronic disease of used car distribution is’fake/bait sale’. [매경DB]

– #A found that Hyundai Kona was sold at 4.7 million won on a used car site. Mr. A went to the used car market where Mr. B, a used car dealer selling the car, is located. However, Mr. B asked for 28.8 million won, which is six times the original price. When Mr. A refused to purchase, he ranted at Mr. A and imprisoned him in the car for about 30 minutes.

36 people, including Mr. #C, ran two trading companies and touted used cars to 63 consumers. The used car site attracted consumers by posting used cars at a lower price than the market price. When a consumer visits a trading company, he collects 10% of the down payment and demands an additional fee. When consumers rebelled, they sold other cars at a higher price than the market price and collected 1.5 billion won through insults and threats.

It is a used car crime caught by the police last year. Used cars that did not actually exist, and used cars with different prices and conditions from those posted on the site were sold at a low price, and used a method of intimidating and forcing consumers by dazzling them.

Solicitors remove traces of flooded cars and sell them as if they were normal used cars for sale. [매경DB]

picture explanationSolicitors remove traces of flooded cars and sell them as if they were normal used cars for sale. [매경DB]

– According to the used car industry on the 1st,’fake/bait sale’ is a chronic disease in the used car market. In fact, Gyeonggi-do surveyed the online used car sales site according to a report filed with the Social Network Service (SNS) of Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myeong in June of last year, and 95% of the properties were revealed as’fake sales’.

The used car industry blames some vicious dealers and solicitors. In fact, even the neglected used car industry cannot avoid responsibility.

The sale of fakes and baits is a task that the used car industry, which is struggling with over the entry of finished car brands such as Hyundai Motors and Kia Motors into used car distribution, must be resolved. This is because the finished car brand is one of the’justices’ to enter the used car distribution industry.

This is also the reason why consumers welcome the entry of finished car brands even if the existing used car industry even fights for hunger, saying that the’right to live’ is threatened.

Consumers can also prevent damage if they are not caught at cheap prices. This is because there are virtually no’cheap and good cars’.

Knowing the trick can prevent damage. The method is also simple. You don’t have to believe in the’bargain price’.

This is because the bait favored by fake sales scammers is cheap. She sells cheaply because of a rush of money, or posts a false advertisement on a used car site saying that she secured a sale at a low price through an auction.

Enticing consumers to come to the store or market. When a consumer comes, explain that the vehicle has already been sold or that there is a serious problem upon closer inspection. Tempting to buy another car. When the consumer refuses, the true color is revealed. Use blackmail and blackmail.

It is at the level of’Aegyo’ to take down the down payment or demand labor expenses. Clans like gangsters surround consumers. It creates an atmosphere of fear after being locked in a car or office. They are forced to buy poorly sold items such as cars in large accidents and flooded cars at extremely high prices.

The use of the automobile civil complaint portal can prevent used car fraud. [사진 캡처 = 자동차민원 대국민포털]

picture explanationThe use of the automobile civil complaint portal can prevent used car fraud. [사진 캡처 = 자동차민원 대국민포털]

– These days, vicious solicitors prefer cheap prices rather than cheap prices. This is because the damage of bargain fraud was widely known through media reports and car information sites.

They sell 10 million won worth of bait for 2 to 5 million won cheaper than normal ones. The condition of the car is usually written down as a’no accident’ or a light’simple accident’ with no performance problems. It is introduced that the mileage is also shorter than that of the model year.

‘Inexpensive and high-quality cars’ can sometimes come out. However, as soon as it comes out, it is sold to dealers other than consumers, making it difficult to even see.

If the price is too cheap, you should also look for other problems such as accidents or breakdowns.

You should also be suspicious of a dealer who has sold dozens of units alone. It is difficult for one person to own dozens of units due to funding issues. There is nowhere to leave the car in the market.

Even if other dealers are acting as sales agents, it is not easy for one person to manage dozens of units. There is a strong possibility that he is a scammer who specializes in posting fake sales.

There is also a trace in the photo. If you look closely at the picture, you can see the description and other parts. There are often cases where a dealer who posts a large amount of fake sales makes a mistake and posts photos and other content.

There is a possibility that bait for sale is possible for photos that are not suitable for the season, or for photos with different colors from the photos. There are also watermarks from other online shopping malls.

Cars 365 Helps Prevent Used Car Fraud Damage [사진 캡처 = 자동차365]

picture explanationCars 365 Helps Prevent Used Car Fraud Damage [사진 캡처 = 자동차365]

– Even if the information on the used car market and the local information of the seller (dealer) written in the photo or introduction column are different, it may be a fake sale. This is because dealers are mainly affiliated with the local trading market.

When you meet with the dealer, if the car you want to buy has just been sold and recommends another car, you must leave immediately.

Even if a dealer other than the one you actually called is coming out, you can suffer from fraud. Due to unavoidable circumstances, the dealer you called may not be available. However, if you feel a little strange, it is best to leave your seat immediately.

If the dealer isn’t wearing an employee ID, it’s better not to do it. To buy or sell used cars, you must obtain an employee ID. If you have lost your employee ID or take it out of your pocket, show it for a while, and then hide it again, you may be a scammer.

[최기성 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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