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4/4 episode of the Militia Geopolitics podcast

In August, the FBI suffered a series of violent attacks on its local offices in Phoenix and Cincinnati. Behind these attacks, far-right groups determined to avenge Donald Trump, currently under investigation by federal inspectors. Oath Keepers, Boogaloo bois, Proud Boys, these supremacist factions defend with weapons a mythical white and libertarian America. From the Charlottesville riots to the shooting in Buffalo to the assault on the Capitol, these self-defense militias are worrying to the point that Joe Biden today opened a summit against political extremism, of which he has made one of the priority battles in his tenure since his investiture speech.

How did these militias develop to the point of worrying the administration of the first world power? Two months after the midterm, what place do these militias occupy in the public debate? And finally, after receiving Donald Trump’s support during his tenure, could they serve as a stepping stone to regain possession of the White House?

To answer these questions, Florian Delorme receives Romain Huret United States historian and director of studies of the EHESS (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales), Ester China, Professor of American Civilization at Versailles Saint-Quentin University in Yvelines e Frederic Vandenberghe, sociologist and professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, co-author of the article “Bolsonaro’s Brazil or the strategy of chaos” (Revue nouvelle, 2021).

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