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3M must stop discharging wastewater chemical processes

Chemical company 3M is no longer allowed to discharge waste water containing PFBSA into the Scheldt. The Environmental Inspectorate has decided this on the basis of the measurement results of samples taken in the past week and a toxicological report.

‘Due to the continuous dangers for people and the environment, further discharge of the substances PFBSA and (the related substances, ed.) MeFBSA and MeFBSAA must be avoided’, reports Flemish Minister for the Environment Zuhal Demir (N-VA). ‘To avoid further contamination, 3M must immediately stop discharging process waters from PFBSA-containing processes, which are two specific processes. They may no longer be discharged to the water treatment plant on 3M’s premises, but must be processed according to the best available techniques. At the same time, supervision is being increased. 3M may not start these processes, even without discharge, without notifying the Environmental Inspectorate at least 2 weeks prior to start-up.’ There will also be weekly analyzes of what flows from the water treatment plant on the site.

The measure comes after several inspections on the site. The Environment Inspectorate, among other things, requested information about the production processes involving FBSA. FBSA, like PFOS, is a chemical used to make products stain and water resistant. They are (or were) found, for example, in textiles and carpets. Both substances belong to the family of PFAS (poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances). These are classified as ‘forever chemicals’: they do not or hardly break down in the environment. The substances can cause harmful effects in humans and accumulate in the tissues of plants, animals and humans. 3M has a patent on FBSA.

In the waste water samples taken during the inspections, Vito found PFBSA and related substances. Toxicology Greet Schoeters, affiliated with the University of Antwerp and Vito, also provided Demir and her administration with advice. ‘It states that there are sufficient reasons to state that the discharge of these substances poses a significant risk to people and the environment’, according to the Demir cabinet.

The ban on discharge into the Scheldt will remain in effect until the company can demonstrate that the necessary measures have been taken to limit the presence of the substances PFBSA, MeFBSA and MeFBSAA in the industrial waste water on the company site to an acceptable level.

An investigation into the activities of 3M is underway at the Antwerp public prosecutor’s office. The environmental inspectorate also drew up an official report of its findings, which is sent to the Antwerp court.

The activities of 3M in Zwijndrecht have been under the magnifying glass since April. Then made The standard known that the works for the Oosterweel connection are digging in soil contaminated by PFOS. Even though 3M stopped producing this substance almost twenty years ago, its non-degradability means it remains strongly present in the environment.

What is FBSA and how toxic is it?

This is not the first time that 3M has admitted to dumping FBSA. In 2019, the company acknowledged that it had illegally discharged FBSA into the Tennessee River in Decatur, Alabama, from which the drinking water of hundreds of thousands of people is extracted. The company then had to stop production of FBSA and pay 35 million dollars in compensation for the construction of a purification station.

The chemical, which is called perfluorobutanesulfonamide in full, is a precursor of various perfluorinated and polyfluorinated (multi-fluorine) chemicals that are classified under the name PFAS (poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances). These do not or hardly break down in the environment, can have harmful effects on humans and accumulate in the tissues of plants, animals and humans.

FBSA can also remain in the environment for a long time, European and American studies have shown. Less is known about the toxicity of FBSA to humans and animals, and about its accumulation in living tissues.

3M introduced FBSA to replace perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), a toxic water repellent that the company discontinued 20 years ago. A 2008 3M document indicates that FBSA’s environmental toxicity has not been investigated by the company. But by independent researchers, the substance was found in a flatfish from the Western Scheldt and in various fish species from the American and Canadian Great Lakes region.

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