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3D-Printed Brain-Like Model Reveals Secrets of Neuron Growth

revolutionizing Neuroscience: TU delft’s 3D-Printed ⁢Brain-Like‌ Environment offers‍ New Insights ‍into Neuronal Growth

Neurons,​ the brain’s key ⁢cells,⁢ form intricate networks by exchanging signals, enabling⁢ the brain to learn adn adapt at remarkable speeds. Now,researchers ⁢at delft University of Technology (TU Delft) have developed ‌a groundbreaking 3D-printed “brain-like environment” that ⁣mimics the soft,⁢ fibrous structure ​of neural tissue. ​This innovative model, created using nanoscale ⁤precision,⁣ provides unprecedented ​insights into how​ neurons grow and connect, offering‌ a powerful tool to study ‌neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, and autism spectrum disorders.‍

Mimicking the Brain’s Natural Environment

Neurons are ‍highly sensitive to their ⁢surroundings, responding to both stiffness and geometry. Customary‍ petri dishes, which are‌ flat and rigid, fail ⁢to replicate the soft, fibrous extracellular matrix​ of the brain. To ‍address this, the team led⁤ by⁢ associate professor Angelo Accardo used two-photon polymerization, ​a 3D laser-assisted printing technique, to‌ create arrays of nanopillars. These pillars,each a thousand⁢ times ​thinner than a ​human hair,are arranged ⁤like ⁢tiny forests on a surface.

By adjusting the ⁤width, height, and aspect ‍ratio of the pillars, ‌the researchers tuned ⁣their effective shear modulus, a mechanical property sensed by ‌cells. “This tricks⁤ the ⁣neurons into ‘thinking’ that they are in a soft, brain-like environment,‍ even though‍ the nanopillars’‍ material itself is stiff,” explains‍ Accardo. The pillars bend under⁣ the crawling neurons, simulating the ⁣softness of brain tissue while providing a 3D structure⁢ that neurons can⁢ grip, much like the extracellular matrix fibers in real brain tissue.​

From ⁣Random Growth to Ordered⁣ Networks

To test their model, the team grew three types⁣ of neuronal cells—derived⁢ from mouse brain tissue ‍and human stem cells—on ‌the nanopillar⁢ arrays. In traditional flat petri dishes, neurons grow ⁤in random directions. However, on the 3D-printed nanopillars, ⁣all three ‍cell types grew​ in more organized patterns, forming networks at ​specific angles. ‍

The study,‌ published in Advanced Functional Materials and featured on‌ its cover, also​ revealed fascinating insights into‍ neuronal growth cones.‌ These ⁢hand-like structures‍ guide the tips of growing neurons ⁣as they search for connections. On flat surfaces, growth cones ‍spread out and ‌remain relatively flat. But⁣ on the nanopillar arrays, ‌they​ sent⁣ out long, finger-like ⁤projections, exploring their surroundings‍ in all directions—mimicking the 3D‍ environment of a real​ brain.‌

“In ‌addition, we found that the environment created by⁣ the nanopillars also ‌seemed to encourage neurons to mature,” says ​George ‍Flamourakis, the study’s⁢ first author. Neural ‍progenitor cells grown on the pillars showed higher levels ‍of a marker of mature neurons compared to those grown⁢ on flat surfaces, highlighting the system’s ability‌ to ‍promote neuronal maturation. ‍​

A breakthrough Tool for brain Disorder Research ⁣

Why not​ simply⁢ grow neurons ⁤on ​soft materials like gels? “The problem is that gel matrices, ‍like ⁤collagen or Matrigel, typically suffer from batch-to-batch variability and​ lack​ rationally designed⁤ geometric features,” ⁤explains⁢ Accardo. The nanopillar arrays offer the ‌best ​of ‍both worlds: they behave like a soft environment with nanometric features while ‌maintaining ‍high⁢ reproducibility ⁤due to the precision​ of two-photon ⁢polymerization.

By better replicating how neurons grow⁤ and connect, this model could provide new insights ​into the‌ differences between healthy brain networks and those associated with ‍neurological ‍disorders.

Key Insights at​ a ⁣Glance

|‌ Aspect ‍ ⁢ ‍ ⁤ | Traditional‌ Petri Dishes | 3D-Printed Nanopillar Arrays |
| Environment ⁤ ⁤| Flat and rigid ⁤⁣ ‌ ‌ ⁤‍ | Soft, brain-like ‌ ‍ | ⁢
| ⁣ Neuronal Growth ⁣ ​ ‍ ⁤ | Random directions ⁤ ⁣ ⁤ ​‌ | Organized patterns ‌ ⁤ ⁤ ​ ⁢ |
| Growth Cone Behavior | Flat⁢ and spread out ⁤ | 3D ​exploration ⁣ ⁤ |
| Neuronal Maturation ⁤ | Lower ‍ ​ | Higher ​ ​ ⁢ ‌|
|‍ Reproducibility ⁣ ‌ ⁣ ​ | Variable ⁤‍ ⁤‍ ⁣ ‍ | High ‍ ⁤ ⁢ ​ ⁣ ⁤ ​ ⁢ | ​

This groundbreaking research not only advances our understanding of neuronal ⁢growth ​but also opens⁤ new avenues‌ for studying and potentially treating neurological disorders. As Accardo notes, ​”By better replicating⁢ how neurons grow‌ and connect, we can gain⁣ deeper ⁢insights into the​ mechanisms underlying ⁤brain⁤ disorders.”

Stay tuned for more ⁣updates on this ⁤transformative research by following TU Delft’s ⁣latest developments.

Revolutionizing neuroscience: TU Delft’s 3D-Printed Brain-Like ​Habitat‍ Offers New ⁣Insights into Neuronal Growth

Neurons, the brain’s key cells, ⁣form ‍intricate networks⁣ by exchanging signals, enabling the brain ⁤to learn and adapt at remarkable speeds. Now,researchers at Delft‌ university of Technology (TU​ Delft) have ⁢developed ⁢a groundbreaking 3D-printed “brain-like environment” that mimics⁤ the soft, ‌fibrous structure of neural tissue. This innovative model, created using⁣ nanoscale precision, provides unprecedented insights into how​ neurons grow and connect, offering a powerful tool to‌ study neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s, parkinson’s disease, and autism spectrum disorders.

Mimicking the Brain’s ⁣Natural Environment

Neurons are highly sensitive ⁤to their surroundings, responding to ⁢both stiffness and geometry. Customary⁣ petri dishes, which are⁣ flat and rigid, ​fail to replicate the soft, fibrous extracellular matrix of the brain. To address this, the⁢ team led ‍by ⁤associate professor Angelo Accardo used two-photon polymerization, a 3D laser-assisted‌ printing technique,‍ to create​ arrays⁣ of nanopillars.These pillars, each​ a thousand times thinner ⁢than a human hair, are arranged like​ tiny forests on a surface.

By adjusting the width,height,and aspect ratio of the pillars,the researchers tuned their‌ effective ​shear modulus,a mechanical ‌property sensed by‌ cells. “This tricks the neurons into ‘thinking’ that they are⁤ in a soft, brain-like environment, even though ​the nanopillars’ material itself is stiff,” explains ⁢Accardo.The pillars bend ⁤under the crawling neurons, simulating the softness of ​brain tissue while‌ providing a ⁢3D structure that⁤ neurons can grip, much like the extracellular matrix fibers⁣ in ⁢real brain tissue.

From random Growth to Ordered⁢ Networks

To ⁢test their ⁢model, the⁢ team grew three types⁤ of⁢ neuronal cells—derived from⁤ mouse brain tissue and human stem cells—on the nanopillar arrays. in traditional flat petri dishes, neurons grow in random directions. Though,on the 3D-printed nanopillars,all three cell types grew in more organized patterns,forming networks at specific​ angles.

the study, published in Advanced‍ Functional Materials and⁢ featured on its cover, also revealed captivating insights into neuronal⁢ growth cones.These hand-like structures guide the tips of growing neurons as ‍they search for connections. On flat surfaces, growth cones​ spread out and ⁣remain relatively flat.But on‍ the nanopillar arrays, they sent ⁣out long, finger-like projections, ‌exploring their surroundings in all directions—mimicking the 3D environment of a real brain.

“In addition,⁢ we found that the environment created by the⁤ nanopillars also seemed to encourage neurons to‍ mature,”​ says George ⁤Flamourakis, the study’s first ⁣author.Neural progenitor cells grown on​ the pillars showed ​higher levels of⁣ a⁣ marker‍ of mature neurons compared to those grown on ‍flat surfaces, highlighting the system’s ability to promote neuronal maturation.

A Breakthrough Tool for Brain ​Disorder Research

Why⁤ not simply grow neurons on soft materials like gels? “The problem⁤ is that gel matrices, like collagen or Matrigel, typically suffer from batch-to-batch ⁣variability ​and lack rationally designed geometric features,” explains Accardo. The nanopillar arrays offer the best of both worlds: they behave like a soft⁣ environment with‌ nanometric features while maintaining high reproducibility due to the precision of two-photon polymerization.

By better ⁤replicating how ​neurons grow and connect,this model could provide new insights into the ⁣differences between healthy brain networks and ⁣those associated with neurological disorders.

Key Insights‌ at ⁢a Glance

Aspect Traditional Petri ⁣dishes 3D-Printed Nanopillar Arrays
Environment Flat and rigid Soft, brain-like
neuronal Growth Random‌ directions Organized patterns
Growth Cone‌ Behavior Flat and spread out 3D exploration
Neuronal Maturation Lower Higher
Reproducibility Variable high

This groundbreaking ⁤research not only advances our understanding of neuronal growth but ⁢also opens new ⁢avenues for studying and potentially treating neurological ‍disorders. As Accardo ​notes,⁢ “By ⁢better replicating⁢ how neurons grow and connect, we can gain deeper insights ​into the mechanisms underlying brain disorders.”

Stay tuned for more ⁢updates on this transformative⁤ research by following TU Delft’s latest developments.

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