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39% of adults in Heiloo are overweight

HEILOO – Every year it is a popular New Year’s resolution: to lose weight. The new cabinet also wants to encourage a healthier lifestyle with the idea of ​​a tax on sugary products. “It is time for the government to do something,” says internist and diabetologist Hanno Pijl.

Almost half of the Dutch population is overweight, according to figures from Statistics Netherlands (CBS). Men are more often overweight than women: 54 against 48 percent. Women, on the other hand, are more likely to be obese than men, 16 percent against 13 percent. Obesity is a chronic form of overweight that is characterized by excessive accumulation of fat in the body.

In the municipality of Heiloo, 39 percent of adult residents are overweight. This means that the inhabitants of Heiloo are lighter than the average Dutch person.

There are risks associated with being overweight. “Overweight is a risk factor for a whole range of diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, depression and cancer,” says Hanno Pijl. Being overweight can also disrupt your immune system. “That is why overweight people are also more susceptible to serious consequences of a covid infection.” Pijl thinks it is important to point out that some people may have great difficulty losing weight. “That may have to do with your genetics. There is still a considerable stigma against overweight people. Not everyone can do something about it that easily.”

sugar tax
The government wants to reduce the percentage of overweight Dutch people to 38 percent by 2040. The new cabinet plans to introduce a sugar tax in due course. The idea here is to increase the tax on sugary products, such as soft drinks and juices. Healthy food, such as fruit and vegetables, must be made cheaper. “The sugar tax is a good start to combat obesity,” says Pijl. “Apparently the government now finally has the feeling that it has to take responsibility for the obesity epidemic. Countries such as Mexico and the United Kingdom already have a sugar tax and it appears to be effective there.”

Need more
Dietician Annelies de Greef emphasizes that the fight against obesity cannot be won with a sugar tax alone. “It’s also about how you approach life. What is your lifestyle like? Are you moving enough? Those are all things that count.” According to the internist and professor of diabetology, industrially prepared foods, such as fast food and ready meals, should also be significantly reduced on the shelves. “We have to return to unprocessed food much more in our food system. More fresh vegetables, nuts and fish.”

What is the best thing to do if you want to lose a few pounds? According to De Greef, setting a goal is important. “Make this goal as realistic as possible. Don’t want to lose too many pounds at once. Find a path that suits you best. Don’t forget to reward yourself with something nice sometimes.”

How do you make a good resolution?
A new year usually comes with good intentions. Is your resolution for this year to eat healthier? Perhaps these three steps from the Nutrition Center can help you on your way:

Make concrete plans
Make your intention as specific as possible. ‘Healthy eating’ can be a bit unclear. But eating two pieces of fruit a day is a concrete goal.

Ask yourself: why do I want this?
If you want something from yourself, it works better than if you get a reward for it. The more important the goal is for yourself, the greater the chance of success.

How are you going to handle it?
To make your New Year’s resolutions successful, you can use an if-then plan. For example: ‘If I have a break at work at 10:00, I will eat a piece of fruit.’

“The sugar tax is a good start”

“Overweight is a risk factor for a range of diseases”

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