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“35,000 Bottles of Fake Champagne Seized and Destroyed by French Customs in 2021 Border Check”

French customs have destroyed nearly 35,000 bottles of soda seized during a 2021 border check. The drink in the plastic bottles was labeled Couronne Fruit Champagne. But champagne was not in it.

Champagne is a protected name in France and over a hundred other countries. Only sparkling wines from the French region of Champagne may bear the name.

The 34,499 bottles of soft drinks were intercepted by customs in Le Havre in France in October 2021. They came from Haiti and, according to the French authorities, were intended for the French market. It contained an orange liquid.

Because the drink in the bottles is not real champagne, a court in Paris ruled at the end of 2022 that the thousands of bottles had to be destroyed. In addition to champagne from France, Greek feta and Italian Parmesan cheese are also protected in this way.

2023-05-25 20:22:08
#French #Customs #Destroys #Bottles #Haitian #Champagne #Soft #Drink

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