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343 Industries already working on a new Halo game after Infinite

When the first Halo Infinite gameplay footage was shown in July 2020, the fans were not exactly happy. And that is putting it mildly. The criticism was also not unjustified, because the game did not look as if it was ready for release. It didn’t take long before 343 Industries announced that Halo Infinite was being delayed until sometime in 2021, even though the title had to be the system seller at the launch of the Xbox Series X.

It is still not known when the latest installment in the Halo franchise should be released, but the developer does promise regularly provide updates around the development.

New Halo game in development

Despite the busy development of Halo Infinite, 343 Industries is now also working on another Halo game. That appears from a vacancy on Microsoft’s website. It’s not about that post-launch content for Halo Infinite, but a completely new project. The description states that ‘343 Industries is looking for a producer to develop a new Project in the Halo universe’.

Whether this is a new part in the main series or whether it will be a spin-off, such as Halo ODST, is not yet known. In any case, fans of the franchise do not have to worry that they will have to wait half a generation for a new part.

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